
“So Abraham ran back to the tent and said to Sarah. “Hurry! Get three large measures of your best flour, knead it into dough, and bake some bread” Gen.18:6


There are two factors that produce surprise; the first one is Speed, and the second one is Secrecy. In other words, Speed and Secrecy produce surprise.

#1. Speed. God expects you to move quickly. You have an objective, move quickly. Sun Tzu, the popular writer of Art of war said, “Rapidity is the essence of war; take advantage of the enemy’s unreadiness, make your way by unexpected route, and attack unguarded spots”. For some people reading this, the summary of your life could be termed as “go-slow”. Go-slow means you are always crawling, always dragging, and things are always slow. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God will give you speed. Everything that has been holding you down God will break their hold over your life, in Jesus Name. Every baggage that has been weighing you down and preventing you from moving with speed, Jesus will lift it off your shoulders and the yokes will be destroyed in the Name of Jesus.

Speed is so crucial in a lot of areas. I once tweeted advising ladies that “when a man is hungry, speed is more important than quality”. When we first got married, my wife will get home early and would want to cook everything. I refused to eat lunch at the office so I used to go home hungry. I really did not care if the peas were well aligned on the rice or if the sliced tomatoes were arranged in order. I was hungry; I just needed something to eat. And my wife would say give me five minutes. What does that translate to? Things have improved significantly since then anyway. The point is this, when a man is hungry speed is more important than quality. You can apply that also to every area of your marriage. So the question is what do you need to accelerate in your life?

Similarly, in the business environment when your customers are “hungry”, it is more important for you to deliver a working product first. Stop waiting to get a perfect product out. You can apply it across board. What do you need to accelerate in your business to cater for the hungry customer? Remember the caveat is when a man is hungry…


Prayer: Father, please fill me with strength, skill, wisdom, knowledge and above all speed to execute every ability You put in me, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Tuesday 5 July, 2016, in Advantage, Secrecy, Speed, Surprise, Warfare. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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