On Fire!

“Each one of you will put to flight a thousand of the enemy, for the LORD your God fights for you, just as he has promised” Josh.23:10 [emphasis added].


If you see someone that appears to be able to do more than what is normal or usual, it goes without saying that there is someone else helping that person. Imagine that by the time you wake up in the morning, your seven year old has washed your car, re-parked it facing forward, and left the engine running so the car will be cool by the time you get there. The first thought that would cross your mind would be that he did not do it alone. You will know that someone has helped him. How will he reach the top of the car without denting it? How would he drive the car because when his legs are on the pedal he wouldn’t be able to see.

Guess what? God is going to help you in a way that when people see the results, they will say somebody helped you. And that is what the Word of God is saying, “Each one of you will put to flight a thousand of the enemy, for the LORD your God fights for you…” What will make the difference is because the Lord your God is on your side and He is fighting for you.

Look at Samson – one man, he killed a thousand Philistines. The Philistines knew that he had a secret because it was not normal. Even if the person is very strong, he probably would be able to kill ten men. But by the time he is done, he probably would be tired and will be captured alive. But in Samson’s case, only one person killed a thousand. They knew that there had to be more to him. So they sent Delilah. God is helping you so what would they do? Take note, Delilah is after you because the enemy knows that there is more to you.

Your personal relationship with Jesus is your greatest asset on earth. Again I say, your greatest asset is your personal relationship with Jesus and the enemy will come after it. The reason he is coming after it is simple; so that he can remove the Super from your Supernatural and make you natural. That is all! Once the Super has been removed, you are in trouble. I pray that the Super will not be removed from your Supernatural. If you are reading this today and you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, then today you have to attain synergy with Jesus. So that you [one person] can put a thousand to flight.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me to daily attain and maintain synergy with Jesus so that I will consistently put a thousand to flight, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Thursday 28 July, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Help From Above. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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