God is Faithful

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise” Heb.10:23


I implore you to settle this truth in your heart today; you cannot follow God and be a reject. But the enemy lies to you that God is a showstopper and that He will deprive you of joy. I have been following Jesus since 1995 and I can tell you that there is no better place to be than with Jesus. You cannot follow God and be a reject. It is impossible. Scripture is clear that God has not called you to seek Him in vain.

I was in Jos for a conference at the beginning of my service year. I was still conflicted at that time because God told me to go and serve in Northern Nigeria. I studied computer science and at that time there were no computers there. In the technology field, if you are  away for one week, when you get back so much would have happened. I was contending with being away for a year and it was a real struggle. But God had told me to go. So at the conference, I was still saying to God, I hope You know what You are doing, because this thing does not make sense. By this time, my friends had started working with different companies and making serious progress. But there I was out in the “wilderness”. And God said to me, you are following Me and you are putting a question mark? If you become a reproach, let the reproach be on Me. Mind blowing! I followed Him with two hands, two legs, with everything. That was over nineteen years ago. And God has kept His promise, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.

#2. Bitterness. The second thing that causes people to be so closed to spiritual growth is bitterness. How could God let this happen to me? We are bitter at God because of unresolved pain that we will feel. Some of us are not even bold enough to confront God with our pain. So we remain unhappy with God and it hardens our hearts. You may be dealing with  sickness in your physical body and you do not understand how He can let you go through so much pain. The things we cannot wrap our minds around makes our heart become hardened towards God. I am sorry you are hurt. God feels your pain. Please do not turn away from God, rather turn to God for healing, for comfort and for restoration.


Prayer [hymn]: I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith And be closer drawn to Thee. Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord… To Thy precious bleeding side. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 1 November, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Spiritual Growth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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