Abba Father

This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most” Heb.4:15-16


Bitterness has the power to make our minds become closed towards God. And having a closed mind towards God is a dangerous place to be. A lady that had gotten married as a virgin but had no children after years of being married could not understand why her friends that had several abortions, now had three or four children but she was childless at the time. There are things that we cannot wrap our minds around, that make our hearts become hardened towards God.

I had a friend in university that you can call “a partner in crime”. Crazy as people thought we were, this particular guy was on another level. We used to engage in all sorts until I got saved. And the first thing I did was to track down all my friends and tell them about Jesus and my  new found passion. I find it strange that people get saved and they do not want to tell anybody about Jesus. I think it is totally strange. So I found this friend of mine and told him about Jesus. I was talking to him and weeping. The fact that we were in a public place did not stop my passion from overflowing.

I needed him to understand that he had to repent. In fact, at the end, we were both crying. But he said, “I was going to repent but I cannot”. “Why? What was his grievance?” He said,” “if there was someone he knew was a Christian, it was his mother. He testified of how much his mother served God. He said, I know that I am a sinner but this woman served God. Apparently she took ill and by her bedside in the hospital he said he turned to God and pleaded with God to save her life. He said to God, save this woman and I will serve you. But his mother died. Then he looked at me and said, you want me to follow that God? And he did not give his life to Jesus. But his mother is in a better place and God is altogether righteous. We may not understand it but He is altogether righteous.

However, the good news about this story is that years after we had graduated, I bumped into him and he was now born again.  God knows what has happened to you but you have to choose to run to Him, not from Him.


Prayer [song]: I have a Father He calls me His own. He’ll never leave me no matter where I go. He knows my name He knows my every thought He sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call. Amen!


Posted on Wednesday 2 November, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Diligence, Honouring God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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