Be In Charge

I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar” Ps.101:3 [emphasis added].


What is the point of eating bread that will turn into gravel in your mouth? Is it worth losing all your teeth? Who knows what is best for your life, you or God? This is the question you have to answer and settle in your heart. And your actions determine your answer to that question. Are you going to be more committed to doing what God says because He knows better? Or will you do what you think is best because it is your body? This is a question we all need to answer. Again, if you are wise, the answer is straight forward. God is wiser than you. Repeat it out loud to yourself, “God is wiser than me”.

#2. Manage My Mind. The second key to staying pure in a sex-saturated world, is to manage your mind. “Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts” Pr.4:23 [NCV]. How you think determines how you live. Your life is shaped by your thoughts. So you and I I have to be in charge of our minds. “I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar” Ps.101:3 [emphasis added]. I would say that the words vile and vulgar from this scripture are apt descriptions for pornography, right? Repeat it out loud to yourself, “I [say your name] refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar” and so shall it be, in Jesus Name.

Believe it or not, someone once insisted that I show him where in the Bible God said, “thou shall not watch pornography”. Well, I did not have this scripture then but now I do and I am showing it to you. It is the Word of God. Take charge of yourself and take charge of your mind. “Turn your back on lustful thoughts and give your positive attention to goodness, integrity, love, and peace” 2 Tim.2:22 [Ph, emphasis added].

So when lustful thoughts are springing up in your mind, you turn your back on those lustful thoughts. One practical way of managing the mind is to monitor your media intake. It is because what you see affects you. Think about your diet; can you be healthy from having only popcorn and coke everyday? The truth is even though you enjoy it, it is not possible for you to be healthy. Similarly, the life that keeps feeding its mind and spirit, garbage, will produce garbage.

Thought: Mental Fast – giving up television [social media] periodically to grow spiritually.


Prayer [song]: My body is Your Sanctuary (2x). Purify  me as gold so I might be bold to say my body is Your sanctuary. Amen!


Posted on Sunday 13 November, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Caution, Help From Above, Honouring God, Purity. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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