High Cost

[Immorality] “…may cost you your life.” Pr. 6:26 [NCV, added word in bold font to original Scripture]


When you deliberately magnify the consequences of sin, it will help you to stay pure in today’s sex-saturated world. Each time you are confronted with opportunities to violate God’s standard, deliberately mentally list out what the consequences of that step would be.

And the reason you are listing out the consequences is that you clearly see the devastation and destruction the action will cause both physically and spiritually. It will save your life. Let’s say the fruit the enemy is dangling before you is an orange and you are considering eating the orange. Stop! Draw up the list of consequences. By the time you are done, the orange will not be so attractive anymore.

That is how to help yourself; magnify consequences of sin. Imagine your spouse and your children finding out about what you are plotting. Imagine how shameful it will be for you if anyone finds out. Imagine what it will do to your relationship with Jesus. Imagine how it will grieve the Holy Spirit. “Anyone who commits adultery doesn’t have any sense. He is just destroying himself.” Pr. 6:32 [GN]. Is it worth it? Because the scars are permanent. I have been pastoring for over a decade and I can tell you this; the wounds howbeit deep can heal but the scars remain. And sometimes the shame just does not go away. The sense of loss to everyone involved is enormous. So think again; it may be enticing now but the consequences are far more expensive.

The original Scripture reference for today reads, “A prostitute will treat you like a loaf of bread,
and a woman who takes part in adultery may cost you your life”. In summary, [Immorality] “…may cost you your life. I saw some wristwatches in the U.K. and the least priced was about twenty thousand pounds. Were the watches beautiful? Yes. Did I like them? Did I buy one? I did not buy it because I could not afford it. Similarly, sin looks enticing but I can assure you that you cannot afford it. Why? The devil is a very bad devil; he gives you one and takes ten from you. Do the math – you are still nine short. I am sharing these truths with you from my heart because I really care about you and I care about how much it will cost you.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, turn my eyes away from worthless things and give me life through Your Word [Ps.119:37], in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 23 November, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Action, Purity. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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