Love’s Sake I

“And so, dear brothers, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living sacrifice, holy—the kind he can accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?” Rom.12:1 [LB]


Live your life according to God’s standards. Ask Esau; he repented but he lived with the scar all his life. So I plead with you dear brothers and sisters, live your life according to God’s standards. Some of you are in a difficult marriage right now and you have begun to dabble into certain things. For some single adults, all you want is just someone to cuddle. My sincere advice is to cuddle your pillow. And I am saying this not because I want to be cynical, but because I love you. If only it were not going to cost you so much; but it is so I urge you, do not do it.

I have daughters that express their desire for sexual intimacy to me. And my response to them and to you today is, you need Jesus. Do people tell me such things? Yes they do and the reason I allow it is, if they do not say it to me, who will they say it to? If they express such desires to the wrong person, it would be costly. Why am I baring my heart to you today? It is because I do not want your life to go down the drain.

Imagine there are two doors before you in a hallway and you are wondering which one to go through. Unknown to you, everyone that comes out of the first door comes out rejoicing. And everyone that exits through the second door, exits with scars all over. Then you see me and you know I know which leads where. As your friend, where would you want me to point you? The door that leads to rejoicing and that is where I am pointing you to today. Your reading today’s devotional was orchestrated by God Himself.

After Esau ate the lentils, it was like nothing had happened but he had actually traded his destiny for pleasure. You will not trade your destiny for pleasure, in Jesus Name. And guess what? You just need to be patient because by the grace of God, you will have the pleasure anyway. Marriage does not translate automatically to sexual purity. If you have been married for any length of time, you will discover it does not eliminate options and opportunities for infidelity. As far as sexual purity is concerned, you are going to have options but by the grace of God, by your determination and by your willingness to be accountable to other Christians, you will prevail in Jesus Name.


Prayer [song]: My body is Your Sanctuary (2x). Purify me as gold so I might be bold to say my body is Your sanctuary. Amen!


Posted on Thursday 24 November, 2016, in Acknowledge God, Honouring God, Purity. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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