Block III

Prov. 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

We have seen how pride and fear can result in a closed mind. A hardened heart is barren!  Nothing can grow there.

#3. The third mental block is Bitterness. A lot of people are struggling with questions such as: Why did God allow this to happen to me? If God really loves me, how come abcd is happening? As a result of these sentiments, they shut their hearts to God. Why am I the only one that goes through this? No – you are not! But your experience is special because your blessings are special.

I got saved in my final year in the university. And when I bumped into my old roommate who used to be my partner in sin, I immediately began to tell him about Jesus passionately. But he told me clearly that he was not going to follow Jesus. When I asked him why, he started crying. He said he knew one true Christian and that was his mother. He told me about how much his mother loved God and gave her all for God. He said while sitting beside her deathbed, he promised that if God would save her life, he would serve God. But his mother died in his arms. He said, “Never! I am not going to serve this God. He is not faithful…” So that day ended with him not giving his life to Jesus. But years later, I saw him coming out of a church, passionately worshipping Jesus. He was born again.

The pain and hurt he felt from his mother’s death, caused him to harden his heart and so he could not hear God. I don’t know what has happened in your life that has made you create a wedge between you and God. Sometimes, it could be the loss a loved one or you feel like God has “disappointed you” in certain areas. Or perhaps you have gone through physical or emotional abuse. Sometimes, it is even a church that has let you down.

I am sorry for your hurt, but sadly pain is a part of the world we are in. However, do not turn away from God, instead turn to God. Never allow what one person does to you or a painful experience create a wedge between you and God. A bitter life is a wasted life!


Prayer [song]: Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh (x2). I will not forget You in all my days. In every situation, You will never change. Amen!


Posted on Tuesday 17 January, 2017, in Heart, Pain. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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