Expressions II

Job 33:14-17 [LB] “God speaks again and again, in dreams, in visions of the night… as they lie on their beds. He opens their ears in times like that, …gives them wisdom and instruction, causing them to change their minds, …keeping them from pride… and from falling into some trap.”


Should I let you in on a secret? Let’s say I have a delicate meeting the next day and I need to know God’s mind. Before I go to bed, after praying and worshiping, the last words that come out of my mouth are, “Lord, what do I tell this person or how do I handle this situation?” And I go to sleep. Every time, I wake up with the answer. It can be through an impression, through a gentle whisper, through a vision, but I always wake up with the answer in my mouth. Do not be afraid – just try it and trust that God will speak to you.

We are concluding a series in church and I do not know what the next series will be. I go to God before I sleep and ask, “Lord, what would you have us share? What Word do you have for your children?” I go to sleep and I wake up with the direction. Should I be sharing all my secrets? As long as it will help you hunger for God and grow in God.

God will give you a dream and because every dream must have an interpretation, He will give you an interpretation through an impression. Sometimes the interpretation of the dream comes through a gentle whisper, or through the Bible, or through another believer, or through a ministration or a message. God speaks through these different channels.

I had to leave a church I pastored years ago and I decided to go for a Ph.D., and forget about ministry. The truth is ministry is very hard. I was going to escape but God had greater plans. I was in my sister’s house when suddenly my eyes became wide open, and the Holy Spirit showed me someone’s picture and He said, “So what will happen to this person?” We were taught that as a pastor, you just preach. It is not your business what happens to the people. And before I could answer, He showed me another picture and it grew into a sea of people. He kept asking, “what will happen to these people”. I was shivering. “Lord, what do You want me to do?” He said, “Go back to Lagos and start a church.” God’s Favorite House!

The point is this; a destiny that is not directed by God is like a ship adrift. God has a plan for your life and ninety percent of the time, He will not entrust it to another person. He wants to talk to you about His plans for you.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, I know that You are with me now, please speak to me about God’s plans for my life and guide me in hearing from God, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Saturday 4 February, 2017, in Clarity, Communication, Guidance, Hearing from God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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