Your Job

2 Kings 2: 23 … a large group of young boys …began making fun of him: “Keep going, baldy! Keep going, baldy!” 24 …Elisha …spoke against them by the authority of the Eternal. Almost immediately, 2 female bears walked out of the forest and ripped up 42 of the …boys” [Voice]


I imagine that there were more than forty-two children there, but the Bible records that forty-two were ripped up. So it is safe to assume that some got away, with scratches on their bodies and deeply traumatized. That tells me that those ones had parents that were praying for them. Some people always seem to have near death experiences while others in similar situations do not survive it. Why? Someone is on his or her knees praying for him or her. You have to pray for your children. It is so important because this world is a tough place but your prayer will prevail.

We also see from the story in 2 Kings 2, that a curse must have a cause. You cannot just be struggling under the weight of a curse. You have to find out the cause and deal with the cause and the curse will be neutralized. Prov.26:2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come [KJV]. Meaning that even when curses are released, if there is no cause, you can go to sleep because they are wasting their time.

Over the next few days, we will look at some causes of curses, the first being ancestral curses. Please read Exodus 20:3-5. There are certain curses people know nothing about but have to struggle with. It is because of idol worship by their parents or some act of their forefathers. I pray that God will totally break any of such curses, in Jesus Name.

The second is curses from evil people and evil spirits. Please read Numbers 22:6. The truth is that there are evil people and evil spirits in this world and that is their job. You cannot stop the devil from doing his job. But you will prevail in Jesus Mighty Name. I used to go to a cult house to preach Jesus when I just got saved. People were getting saved and before long we had about fifty people for Jesus. So the leader of the group made a pronouncement [a curse] that would take effect in five years. I started counting and on the fifth year, his only son was shot dead. You cannot expect that the devil will leave everybody alone, he  will not because he is doing his job. You have to do yours too.


Prayer [song]: I have no other God but You (2x). You have done what no man has done and You will do what no man can do! I have no other God but You (2x). Amen!


Posted on Wednesday 22 March, 2017, in Counsel, Curses, Family, Prayer. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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