
Jer.31:30All people will die for their own sins-those who eat sour grapes will be the ones whose mouths will pucker


The danger with programmed conditional curses is that they does not take effect immediately. So people tend to think there is nothing to the curse but in reality that is very far from the truth. Nothing happened when Joshua invoked the curse [Josh.6:26] and for years after, it was the same thing. But as soon as Hiel fulfilled the conditions of the curse [1Kings 16:34], which was rebuilding Jericho, the curse was immediately activated.

Sometimes people do certain things; they repeat patterns that can be deeply irritating. But the Holy Spirit helped me understand that such people are actually cursed and that is why they act like that. So now instead of getting angry with such people, I actually just help them. You would think that Hiel would back down after he lost his first son. Like someone on autopilot, Hiel continued and set up the gate at the cost of his youngest son’s life. I pray that you will not be a victim of curses triggered by your parents. Like God says in His Word, it is those who ate the sour grapes that will have their teeth set on edge [Jer.31: 29-30].

For some families, the condition of the curse is that as long as everybody is below the poverty line they can stay alive. But as soon as someone breaks the poverty line, all hell breaks loose. For certain families, as long as all the female children do not get married, everybody is fine but when someone attempts to get married, hell breaks loose. For certain families, certain people have covenanted that nobody will rise above them. So it is fine for people to prosper as long as they do not rise above. As soon as anyone attempts to achieve greatness, hell breaks loose and they back down. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that every such barrier in your linage will be broken. You will break it and there will be no consequences in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

So what do you do? You stay in Christ. Raise your head, challenge it and break it – And you would be free. The key is to stay in Christ who was made a curse for your sake.


Prayer [song]: There in the ground His body lay, Light of the Word by darkness slain: Then Bursting forth in glorious Day, up from the grave He rose again! And as He stands in victory, sin’s curse has lost its grip on me, for I am His and He is mine – bought with the precious Blood of Christ.

Posted on Saturday 25 March, 2017, in Curses. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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