Be Informed!

Prov.29:18 “If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed” [MSG]


The eighth cause of curses is trusting in man. Please read Jer.17: 5-6. God says all who trust in man are cursed. It does not matter if the man is your husband or your father; if you put your trust in man, you are putting yourself under a curse. It does not matter if the man is your uncle abroad that sends you foreign currency. If your trust is in him, you are under a curse. Your help is from above and not from abroad.

Back in the day, when my wife asked me for something, my response was, “Have you prayed and what is God saying?” Initially she did not get it because she did not see the need to pray about something that I could sort out. I said everybody’s source is God. Do not get me wrong, God can bless you through your husband, or through your father, or through your relatives and many times He will but, He is not limited to them. He is your source!

The ninth cause of curses is a wrong name. Remember Jabez? Please read 1Chr.4:9-10 and Gen.32. But Jabez was wise, he went back to the Source of life, addressed the curse and it was broken. Jesus is the Source of all life, the Bible says in John 1:3-4 God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created…” Go back to the Source.

The tenth cause of curses is sexual sin. The enemy through the media has desensitized a lot of people to the weight of sexual sin. Yes, sin is sin but sexual sin is huge. No sin damages a human being more than sexual sin including homosexuality and lesbianism. Sexual sin is like an express road into a person’s life, not only physically but also in the spirit realm. If a person is cursed, during intercourse there is a fusion. The demons that have had access to person ‘A’, gain unhindered access to person ‘B’. Such people discover they are struggling with things they have no business struggling with. They become automatic partakers of curses flowing down from other people’s generations. I pray that Jesus will set you free.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, please help me course correct. I declare that my body is Your temple, I will trust in You alone and not in man.

Posted on Sunday 26 March, 2017, in Curses. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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