Foundation Matters

Ps.105: 7 He is the Lord our God. His justice is seen throughout the land. He always stands by his covenant— the commitment he made to a thousand generations”.

God honors covenants between men. If the foundation is faulty, you have to fix it! There are businesses that are on faulty foundations because covenants have been broken. There are people whose fathers and grandfathers agreed to take care of their relatives. And the relatives also agreed that they would be dependent on that family. So that family has been prospering and the other family has been dependent on them. But the children are now looking at their relatives as parasites and are cutting them off. That move will affect those children because they have been looped into the agreement.

The good news is that they do not have to live under the weight of the agreement forever. There is a way out; but do not just terminate covenants anyhow you like. When covenants are wrongly terminated and broken, the consequences are devastating. Land that plane with wisdom, with understanding and disentangle yourself from it, you cannot just cut yourself off. I hope this is not too deep for you. Do not take anything for granted.

The third covenant you need to be aware of, check if it exists, and actually destroy, is the covenant between man and satan. Isa.28:14Therefore hear the word of the Lord, you scoffers  who rule this people in Jerusalem. 15 You boast, “We have entered into a covenant with death, with the realm of the dead we have made an agreement. When an overwhelming scourge sweeps by, it cannot touch us, for we have made a lie our refuge and falsehood our hiding place.” 16 So this is what the Sovereign Lord says…” [NIV]. Have you seen such leaders that behave like they are untouchable? It is because they are depending on something.

Every leader in Nigeria that has made covenants with the devil that is boasting in it, this is what the Sovereign Lord says. “That covenant you are boasting in is broken. The things that you think cannot touch you, will begin to touch you.” God anoints but the devil also anoints, People do not just get into positions of power. God’s anointing is the original. So why not get God’s anointing? Any and everything you depend on outside of God will fail!


Prayer: Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see as I ought to see, in Jesus Name. Amen!



Posted on Monday 10 April, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Covenant, Foundation. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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