
Luke 1:32 He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David.”


Our lesson on going forward today, is from the life of David. David was completely forgotten by his own family. Imagine, God sends a prophet to change the destiny of the family and David’s father does not even remember he has a son called David. It must have been a horrible experience living in that kind of household. When the state had need for soldiers, David’s brothers qualified. This means Jesse invested in their training but not in David. Instead, he was sent to look after sheep and forgotten.

David could have disdained what was given to him because of all that negativity. But David was faithful in what had been assigned to him to do and he trusted God to help him. Remember the servant from the parable of the talents, the one that was given one talent? He was not faithful and everything was taken away from him. But the Bible says, to him that is faithful in little, much more will be added and that was exactly what happened with David.

When the bear and the lion came, David, at the risk of his own life, defended the sheep. God saw that faithfulness and promoted David. God will see your faithfulness and promote you, in Jesus Name. David was devoted to God, he had a good heart and God took him from relegation to promotion. Men may have forgotten you but that does not matter because God will not forget you. David moved from shepherd boy to great warrior. David became a king; a psalmist and above all he entered the linage of Christ. God gave David eternal relevance.

We have drawn strength, instructions, direction, and encouragement from the lives of David, Hannah, Isaac, Esther, Samuel and Ruth. So I leave you with a blank slide, a blank page. God has changed your destiny for good so allow God to show you what He has for you. Take this blank page and with God’s help, write a story that will be told for generations to come and will bring glory to God.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for changing my destiny for good. I declare that the story of my life will bring glory to You for generations to come, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Thursday 4 May, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Persistence. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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