Persistent Obedience

Gen.26:12When Isaac planted his crops that year, he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him.”


Our lesson today is from the life of Isaac. It is easy to look at our scripture reference today and claim the promise for yourself. But I do not think God wants us to ignore the verses that follow [please read Gen.26:12-25] because they teach us a very important lesson when it comes to going forward. It is a lesson in persistence. Isaac was persistent. God had just changed Isaac’s destiny but with his growth and multiplication, came fierce opposition.

Every time Isaac tried to establish support for increase, the Philistines came and blocked it. The Bible says that Isaac dug wells repeatedly; wells that were rightfully his by covenant but each time the philistines would come and cover the wells with dirt but Isaac did not stop. You are searching for a job and you have been told there are no jobs. Your destiny has changed. Do not sit down. Keep moving! It is easy to give up and sit down. Anybody can do that. Nobody gets a medal for quitting. You have not done anything special if you quit. Be determined not to quit. I pray that you will not quit, in Jesus Name. Isaac was persistent, he kept on digging and his persistence broke the back of the opposition. And it was then that he had an encounter with God and God established the covenant with him.

It was this same Isaac that God had visited and told to sow during famine. It is easy to sow when there is plenty but when there is scarcity, it is not so easy. Isaac did not hold back, he obeyed God. The Bible says that God blessed him and he harvested even while there was famine, waxed strong  until he became exceedingly great. How does this apply to you? Keep going forward, keep knocking on that door, keep sending out your resume, keep submitting those proposals, and keep taking that examination until you get your breakthrough. It will surely come, in Jesus Name.

Isaac became the envy of a whole nation because of his persistence. So much so that the people that were trying to frustrate him initially, came back to seek his favour. Every door that has been shut, everyone that has turned their back on you, they will come looking for you and they will acknowledge that you are the blessed of the Lord.


Prayer:  Holy Spirit, lead me forward, every step by Your counsel, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Wednesday 3 May, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Breakthrough, Persistence, Sacrifice. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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