A Snare

Prov.29:25Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety” [with emphasis]


Life always presents us with something to be afraid of. It appears that before every next level there is a fear to conquer. A young person dealing with peer pressure gives in to pre-marital sex. A lady, laboring under the yoke of her parents that say she will never amount to anything. A wife that continues to give in to the absurd demands of an abusive husband. A husband that continues to entertain and endure the damaging demands of his wife. The person whose schedule is overbooked because he or she cannot manage or say no to other peoples requests. The person that never stands for anything or a Christian that never talks about Jesus. What do all these people have in common?

These categories of people are deeply driven by the fear of rejection. Today God will set us free from the fear of rejection in Jesus Name. A lot of people are suffering from approval addiction. Approval addiction is being overly consumed with what people think about you or their acceptance of you. That alone is a snare for so many people. Prov. 29:25 “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” [NIV, with emphasis]

The world tries to pressure us into rejection. Some people have been rejected from childhood, either by their parents, or siblings, or classmates, or perhaps even a teacher. Some people even still feel the pressure of rejection among other believers. The fear of rejection is a horrible task-master because it suggests that you are never good enough. It is a horrible place to be. The fear of rejection does a couple of horrible things to us.

The fear of rejection allows other people manipulate us. Even the advertising industry is big on preying on this. Adverts have closing statements like, ‘be there or be told’. Or they suggest only the foolish will miss out on their product. So people are constantly driven by the desire to gain approval. The truth is, once you become an adult, no one can manipulate you without your approval.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, I put my trust in God and I will look to Him alone for approval. Rid me totally of every trace of approval addiction in my life, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 28 July, 2017, in Acknowledge God, Fear, Relationship, Truth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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