As God Sees

Matt.25:25-26 “So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground . . . His master replied, `You wicked, lazy servant!’”


The truth is no matter how successful we are in some areas of life; we still struggle with the fear of failure in other areas of life. It is not uncommon to find someone that is successful in his finances being afraid for his marriage. Or someone that is successful in his marriage being afraid of failure in his career. Or someone that is successful in parenting being afraid of failing in the area of personal direction. The question is can we really be free from the fear of failure or is it something that we should accept as part of life?

Like with every other fear, God wants you and I to banish the fear of failure from our lives. To banish means to expel, to get rid of, and to eradicate from our lives. God wants us to be equipped to chase the fear of failure out of our lives. We may not be able to stop the fear from creeping in but we can stop it from taking a hold of our lives and building a castle. You cannot stop a bird from flying over your head they say, but you can stop it from nesting and laying eggs on your head.

The truth is that there are many dreams that were not realized because we gave in to fear. There are many businesses that would have been multi-nationals but such businesses never started because of fear. So many initiatives could have changed lives and benefited a whole lot of people. But that never happened because everyone was too afraid to engage the initiative. Even in our walk with God, sometimes we are afraid to fail spiritually. And so we do not take steps for God and toward God. Some people are afraid to make a commitment in the area of serving God because of the fear of failing. The fear of failing has held so many people back from even praying. And the fear is what if they are unable to pray for one hour. Who says you have to pray for one hour? Just get on your knees and pray.

However, God reacts very strongly to the limitations we allow to take a hold of our lives because of the fear of failing. Matt.25:25-26 “…I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground . . . His master replied, `You wicked, lazy servant!’” [with emphasis].


Prayer: Lord Jesus, I declare Your Word over my life, I have not be given the spirit of fear but of courage and a sound mind, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Monday 7 August, 2017, in Fear. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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