No Danger

Isa.53:11 He will see and be satisfied  because of his suffering My righteous servant will acquit many people because of what he has learned through suffering…” [GW]


I used to tell everyone that asked me, that I wanted to be Pharmacist. I chose the profession at random in my quest to quiet all such questions. Close to my final year in secondary school, I got into trouble and I was suspended from school. During the two weeks of staying at home, I hung out with my neighbor who was a software person and software fascinated me. Just seeing what software could accomplish changed my life.

Shortly after that, my neighbor traveled out of the country. If I was not suspended, I would never have met him or stumbled on something that changed the course of my life. Even though what I did at school was bad, God makes all things to work together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. If you will allow God, He will turn your mistakes around for your good; even a legitimate mistake can be to your advantage.

The fourth benefit of failure is that it makes us less judgmental of others. The more you fail, the more sympathetic you become and the less arrogant you will be. Failure restrains arrogance. If you see people that are arrogant, they need to experience failure. Failure makes people very humble. Nobody becomes humble by choice. Even Jesus learnt obedience through the things He suffered. Read the scriptures; it is there in Hebrews. However, when you suffer it once that should be enough. Why should you keep suffering the same thing over and over again? You did something wrong and you suffered, then God gives you another opportunity and you are doing the same thing again? Is that not foolishness?

Personally, I cannot trust a man that does not have scars. In ministry, it is difficult for me to commit to people with squeaky-clean records. Everybody needs a scar or two. I know that people are not perfect. So when someone is trying to portray himself or herself as perfect, I know the person is a hypocrite. 2 Cor.12:7Because of the extravagance of those revelations, and so I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty!” [MSG]


Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me always remember that it is not me but You that is at work in me and through me. Let my boast only be in Christ, in Jesus Name. Amen

Posted on Monday 14 August, 2017, in Excellence, Failure, Opportunity, Success. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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