
Gen.26:1 “And there was a famine in the land… 12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him” [KJV]

Eccl.11:1Don’t be afraid to release your bread upon the waters, for in due time you will find it…Those who watch and wait for favorable winds never plant, and those who watch and fret over every cloud never harvest” [Voice]. Do not wait until the conditions are perfect; that is what God says in His Word. Start from where you are. When there is famine, the rational thing to do is to hoard resources, ration things and set up structural adjustment programs. But the Bible says in that same year Isaac sowed, I mean that is huge! If Isaac observed the wind and watched every cloud, he would not have sown. And the Bible says that in the same year, he reaped a hundred fold. If you move by the Spirit of God you will not be stranded.
Seed is usually small but seed is so powerful because it has life in it. And seed when it is planted, brings a harvest. Without the seed there can be no harvest. What is that seed that heaven requires that you think is too great to give? Look at it again; without the seed, there can be no harvest.

When you look at a seed, what do you see? Do you see something that can be converted to food? Let’s take a corn seed for example. In that one corn seed is a corn plant. And that plant has different combs that contain hundreds of seeds. And in those seeds are plants and on those plants are combs and in those combs are seeds and the cycle continues. So what exists in every corn seed is a corn plantation. What do you see, a seed or a plantation? You need to begin to see a plantation in every seed. Why? It is because a seed that is not sown is a harvest that has been denied. When you do not sow the seed, you deny the harvest.

Now you can better appreciate the saying, the seed is the future right? The seed determines if you are going to eat tomorrow and how tomorrow will be. The seed is so powerful. When you hold a seed in your hand, you need to envision the potential harvest. So that when you are faced with a choice to eat or sow, you know that if you eat the seed, you have eaten a forest. If you choose to release the seed, it could become a forest. It is in your hands.

Prayer: I declare that I will sow without ceasing and I will not be afraid to release even my bread because in due time I will receive God’s reward, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 23 October, 2017, in Fruitfulness, Seed, Seed & Harvest, Trust. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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