Own Up & Be Yourself

Ps.139:14 “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it”


You cannot step up if you do not own up. Regardless of how much you have failed, Jesus is inviting you to step up. Regardless of how much success you have had, Jesus is inviting you to step up. But you cannot step up if you do not own up. You need to own up to who you are. You are a child of God – you need to own up. You are filled with the Holy Spirit, you have the mind of Christ, you need to own up to who you are. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are so beautiful.

The challenge people are facing is not owning up to who they are. People think that by cutting themselves down they become humble but that is not humility. You need to own up to who you are otherwise you would not be able to step up. You are great. You are awesome. You are loved. You are anointed. You are fabulous. You are splendid. Just own up because there is nothing anybody can do about how anointed and how loved you are. God loved me so much that He gave me a name which means I am His favourite boy. Own up – step up!

Take note that God told Joshua to step up but He did not tell Joshua to step into Moses’ shoes. Do not try to be Moses, be Joshua – be yourself. Bring your unique self to the table. Step up and be yourself. There will be people that will try to push you into running things the way “Moses” did when he was leading. They will consistently ask for the “Moses” kind of leadership. My advice to people that cling to past ways is, “do not get stuck with “Moses” in the wilderness because Moses did not make it to the Promised Land”. Guess what? It took a Joshua kind of leadership to bring the people into the Promised Land. You need to embrace it.

Step up, own up and be yourself. When a fruit comes into its own, the fruit is said to have matured. It is only in that state of maturity that the fruit can bless humanity. Similarly, your immaturity is not very useful to mankind; so grow up! The truth is you are young only once but you can be immature forever and that is scary. Step up, own up and be yourself.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, today I arise as You have chosen and anointed me a king and priest. I will pull down, uproot, throw out and I will build and plant, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Monday 22 January, 2018, in Acknowledge God, comparison, Maturity, Responsibility, Step Up. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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