God’s Heritage

Ps.127:3 “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. 5 How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them…”


God has blessed us with families but our families become idols when we forget what they are for. Your family is a representation of God’s Kingdom on earth where righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit is saturated. Family is a place where destinies and lives are birthed and nurtured for the glory of God. But if you do not know what your children are meant for, you are bound to worship them. Some children are treated as mini-gods and a lot of them are becoming aware of it. The children do not say it but they know they are your god. So, they just pull one string and their parents bow down and worship. Dr Myles Munroe says, “When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.” In other words, you cannot stop abuse.

What are your children for? Simply put, you are a custodian, a caretaker. Imagine a steward trying to lay claim on his master’s house. What will the master do? To the glory of God, parenting is a rare privilege that God has given you. You are to nurture the children and release them to fulfil their destinies. Of all God’s creation, it is only human beings that try to hold on to its offspring till he dies and it is unhealthy. God says in Gen.2:24This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” Do not get me wrong, I am not saying you should abandon your parents but you have to leave them and set up your own family.

A lot of Africans are very poor at releasing children into their destinies. For some people, their only retirement plan is their children; they have no pension or plan for their lives. So those children have become assets. It is an abuse. Such parents are destroying the lives of their children. In the western world, an eighteen-year old that still lives under his parents roof is likely paying rent. It is mainly in Africa that parents want to keep their children and their families under their roofs. Do you want them to worship you forever? Only God, not man, deserves our worship. I know this is hard but it is the truth.


Prayer: Father, help me by Your Spirit to always put things in the right perspective and remember that I am just a care-taker, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Thursday 9 August, 2018, in Guidance, Personal Growth, Relationship, Responsibility. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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