Essentials II

Col. 3:23 (VOICE) “So no matter what your task is, work hard. Always do your best as the Lord’s servant, not as man’s”

If the Lord is with you, who can be against you? No one! You need to know and operate in this truth and reality. The primary source of Caleb’s courage, the primary source of our courage, is the Lord. However, just like petrol in a car, courage depletes as you do life. You will need to refill it consistently. God is the primary source of our courage, but there are three channels, three stations that refill our courage tank.

  1. The first channel is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit encourages [puts courage back into] us. When we have gone back and forth, when we feel tired and defeated, He encourages us.
  2. The second refill station is us. You have to encourage yourself. From scripture, we can see clearly that this is one of the things that David did consistently. David encouraged himself in the Lord; not in men or in things but in the Lord his primary source.
  3. The third station that refills our courage tank is the people we do life with. God says we should encourage [put courage into] one another and this is very important.

For us to take possession of all that God has for us, for the people we are fighting with, and for the people we are fighting for, we must believe that we can do it even if we are scared.

The second way to show courage in fighting for your destiny is, YOU MUST HAVE THE COURAGE TO GIVE YOUR VERY BEST. So many people are just existing, they are not actually living and it because they are not giving their best. It takes courage to give your very best. With marriage for instance, there is no perfect marriage situation. So, it takes courage to actually give your best in marriage. One person is going to hurt the other person at some point but that is not reason enough to start rationing what you put into your marriage. Not giving your best means to barely exist.

It takes courage to give your best and to throw yourself into your business. My wife and I left everything behind in the previous church we pastored. So, when God’s Favourite House was starting, we emptied our bank account to pay for two services at our first location. We did not know what was going to happen next, but we threw ourselves into it because we were sure that was what God would have us do. You have to throw yourself into what God will have you do, and into the relationships He has brought your way. Your focus should not be on people’s appreciation of your sacrifice or the pain of the past. Just give your best as unto the Lord.

Prayer: Lord, in every situation help me remember that the Lord is my God and the source of my strength; and help me give my best as unto God, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 20 January, 2019, in Courage, Holy Spirit, Strength. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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