Identify and Eradicate

Isa.54:14 (KJV) “In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.”

Fear based distractions are not to be ignored. You have to deal with the fear. So today will be going to the source of many fears and I pray that God will eradicate fear from your life. You will not be afraid or distracted, you will stand and fight. The source of a lot of fears that people have is the inevitable. Again, I am saying to you that there is no need to fear the inevitable. For students, writing exams is inevitable. There is no reason to be afraid because it is inevitable. By God’s grace, I cannot remember approaching or sitting for any exam afraid. Guess what? Everybody is going to write the exam both those that are afraid and those that are not afraid, whether tall or short. It is inevitable, so there is no need to be afraid of the inevitable.

Death is an inevitability, there is no reason on earth why anybody should be afraid of death. Everybody will die one way or the other, if Jesus tarries. However, I have spent time pondering over the source of fear and I realized that people are really not afraid of death. What they actually are afraid of is where they are going after death. People are actually not afraid of writing exams, what they are really afraid of is failure. Two different things. Paul says in Philip.1:21 (KJV) “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Paul could make such a statement because he was confident in where he was going when he dies. If you know where you are going, you will not be afraid of dying. If you are still unsure, then today it the perfect day to change that.

The fear of exams is such a big deal and it has crippled a lot of people. Years back, after we concluded the classes for the 1st Trip of The Journey, we announced that there would be a quiz. One of our ministers in church actually came into my office trembling and stuttering because she was afraid of writing the exam. So, I sat with her and broke it down to her just like I am doing with you today. It is an inevitability; the real issue is you are afraid of failing. Face it! You are a man, you should not be afraid of talking to a lady [say Amen]. It is an inevitability, that is if you intend to get married, so man up and just do it. If she says no, big deal, just try again. If she says no again then find someone else but do not stop.

When you are faced with a situation, identify and separate the inevitable from the avoidable. It is the avoidable that usually allows fear to creep in. By the time you deal with the avoidable, the fear will disappear. When you separate the avoidable from the inevitable fear is demystified.

Prayer:  Lord, in Jesus Name, fear has no place in me or hold over me. I have the spirit of power, courage, boldness and of a sound mind, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Posted on Wednesday 30 January, 2019, in Distractions, Fear, Fight, Stand. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. From today’s devotional I learnt that their avoidables and inevitables. For the avoidables I have to stay focused and be prepared which will help me deal with the fears. I need to identify the inevitable in my life.

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