Your Call

Job 22:28 (VOICE) “You will pronounce something to be, and He will make it so; light will break out across all of your paths.

The Word of God is superior fire power, everything responds to God’s Word because it carries the integrity of the One who has spoken it. Someone shared a story with me about a Pastor and a man in the occult. The man in the occult had a reputation for harassing people and the people end up dead. The church this Pastor was pastoring was growing bigger and soon enough they had parking problems. One day a member of the church parked in front of the house of the occultic man and this really infuriated him. So, he confronted the pastor. The Pastor apologized for the incident, but he was not intimidated. So, the man said to the Pastor that he would travel to Ijebu [a part of western Nigeria famous for divination and charms] and that by the time he returns… he went ahead to reel out threats. The Pastor told him that he will travel and never return.

Guess what? The occultic man did not travel. The people in the negative supernatural know that all power belongs to God, even though they may never admit it openly. The occultic man thought it was over right but that is not the way the spiritual works. When you put your hand in a lion’s mouth, you may end up being amputated – that is how the spiritual works. The occultic man was in his bedroom sleeping during a thunder storm and lightning struck him on his bed and he died. Again, this is not a fairy tale. The supernatural is real. As a child of God, you have to know the power that you are carrying. I am not telling you this so that you will go about striking people down with lightning, that is not what I am saying. What I am saying is that your words are powerful.

You need to be aware that when the enemy fails with people that are outside, he will attempt to use the people that are close to you. These people may actually have good intentions, but the enemy can speak through them. It is your duty to sift it and counter it. That is your call. Even if it is an in-law, it is your duty to respectfully say things will not play out like that, this is how things will go. It is your responsibility to dictate because God has given you that power. If you keep quiet, guess what? You have accepted it. If you do not want to accept the negative words, then respond.

Sometimes it is a parent, or a spouse, or a sibling; their intention was not to curse you, but you know that those words can actually be limiting. You have to correct it. For example, the sky is your limit. No, the sky is not your limit, you are above, seated with Christ in heavenly places. How can the sky be your limit? It is your stepping stone.

Prayer: I have the mind of Christ, kings and nations will seek me for wisdom, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 17 February, 2019, in Action, Power, Supernatural access, The Word, Warfare. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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