Command + Response

Jn.3:16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

The crossroads presents us with three options; the way of the world, the way of self, or the way of God. The way of the Father is the way of love. John 3:16For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” God loves the world. The Voice translation of John 3:16

reads, “For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life.” The cross is an expression of God’s love for us. Love is an action word, love always finds expression. It is difficult to choke love and to cage love, love always finds expression.

God sets an example; He expressed His love for us by giving us Jesus. If you are married and claim to love your spouse but insist that you do not have to express it, that love needs to be upgraded. I told you fifteen years ago that I love you and that has not changed, I do not have to say it over and over again. Spouse o’ spouse, I have news for you, that is not love. God wants us to express our love for one another, particularly those that are married. Express your love to your spouse, to your friends and siblings. God wants us to express our love.

Husbands, please pay attention to what I am about to share next. I learnt it from the late Dr. Myles Monroe, so it is not original, but it has always worked for me. At 10am, call your wife where ever she is and in the words of the famous Lionel Richie song say, “I just called to say I love you” then hang up before she says anything. When she calls you back, do not pick the call. At 1pm, call her again when she picks, you say, “I just called to say how much I care” then hang up before she is able to say anything. At 4pm call her again, be prepared because she probably would pick the phone on the first ring. Then you say, “I just call to say I love you…” then drop the call. Call her again while she is driving home and say, “and its coming from the bottom of my heart.” That is an expression of love. Guess what will happen when you get home? Once love is expressed, it demands a response, in fact it commands a response. God loves us so we must respond.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be expressive in my loving God and people, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 25 April, 2019, in Hope, Jesus, Life, Love. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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