Watch & Pray!

1 Peter 5:Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

When you hear the word supernatural or spiritual warfare what comes to your mind? Why do you think there are so many movies, and even cartoons that incorporate the supernatural these days? It is not normal for children to believe that all princes and princesses have wands and can make things or people appear or disappear. My daughter wanted to make me disappear one day, she came to me with a “wand” and said, “Disappear Daddy”, I said, “I am not going to disappear”. Yes, our children’s cartoons are filled with the supernatural but somehow, I think it is a good thing. The reason is that, by the time you begin to introduce the concept of the positive supernatural, it is not strange. They experience the counterfeit in the cartoons, and it shows them that the supernatural is possible even though they say it is fiction.

However, I urge parents to be aware of what their children are watching and available to point out The Truth to them. The enemy is trying to sell people a lie, the strategy is to commonize and rubbish the supernatural, then sell an alternative. For instance, I was listening to a radio show and a lady [a believer] called in, really upset about the English assignment her teenage daughter was given in school. Guess what the assignment was? They were to go to a cemetery and find out if ghosts are real. First of all, I was grateful to see that some people in the western culture are still sensitive to spiritual things. What sort of project is that really? Teenagers, unguarded, should go to a cemetery and find out if ghosts are real so that they can begin to engage demons? We have to keep our eyes open.

Although he will not win the war, satan would not go down without a fight, but our victory is sure in Christ Jesus. This is what happened in the spiritual realm when Daniel prayed; God answered and dispatched an angel, but the devil also dispatched his own forces. But, it did not end there, God dispatched another angel to fight, defeat, bring victory and the answer to Daniel. That was where it ended. Interestingly, back in the day, this is also consistent with movies, the good people always win in the movie. However, these days the villain is becoming the hero in movies, becoming the one that wins at the end. That is a lie of the devil. Good will always prevail over evil. When Daniel prayed, angels were engaged to deliver the answer inspite of enemy resistance.

Prayer: Father, I hide the hearts and minds of my children in the Blood of Jesus, enemy deception will not take root in their lives, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 6 May, 2019, in Active, Fight, Warfare. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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