Category Archives: Active

The Process

Num.13:30-31 “But Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.”  Then the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against this people, for they are stronger…” (NRSV, emphasis added)

Caleb was not looking at the strength of the people to determine whether he could take the land, Caleb was looking at the strength of His God. Until we get this into our spirit, we remain fearful. You will remain fearful if you look at Goliath and look at yourself. Read the rest of this entry

Every Occasion

1 Cor.14:14-15 “For if I pray in tongues, my spirit is praying, but I don’t understand what I am saying. Well then, what shall I do? I will pray in the spirit, and I will also pray in words I understand. I will sing in the spirit, and I will also sing in words I understand.”

Sometimes, we think we know what we are doing. Or maybe we think that we are just going through the motions, so we do not really consider what we are doing as weighty. Or we do not appreciate the weight of what we are doing. Therefore, we are not as committed to doing it as we should. Read the rest of this entry

Place Of Burden

Luke 22:44 “He prayed more fervently, and he was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood.”

Years ago, my Pastor at that time had this routine of praying from Saturday night into Sunday morning, and from the prayer room, he goes to preach. One day, he invited me and a friend of mine to pray with him. Read the rest of this entry


Matt.16:19 “And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”

Why pray when God has promised? The first reason is, He has promised. The second reason is, prayer is earth giving “permission” to heaven to intervene. Why is this important? Why should earth give heaven permission to intervene? The reason is simple, the only being that has authority on earth is Read the rest of this entry


Psalm 55:17 “Evening and morning and at noon, I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.” (NKJV)

Why do we pray? We began to answer this question yesterday and we will pick up today’s devotional from our first point which is, God commands us to pray. The second reason why we pray is Prayer Empowers Us To Resist Temptation. Read the rest of this entry

I Will

Ps.108:1-3 “My heart is confident in you, O God; no wonder I can sing your praises with all my heart! Wake up, lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song.  I will thank you, Lord, among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations.” (emphasis added)

David is teaching us something very crucial about active worship in today’s anchor scripture which is, sometimes you need to tell yourself to get up and praise God. There will be times that you will need to command yourself to be active in worship. Read the rest of this entry


2 Sam. 6:15 “So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns (trumpets).” (emphasis added).

True worship happens When I Take Extreme Measures To Do It Right. True worship happens When I Get Physically Involved [With My Body]. Thirdly, true worship happens When I Let The Music Move Me Into God’s Presence. Read the rest of this entry

Two Sides

Eccl.10:17 “Happy is the land whose king is a noble leader and whose leaders feast at the proper time to gain strength for their work, not to get drunk.”

As long as what you run to is not God, that thing has become an idol. What is your barn? Yesterday, I shared two of my barns in the past – cereal and video games. Sadly, some people think that their ‘cereal’ is better than another person’s cigarette, Read the rest of this entry

Come Thirsty?

John 20:10-11 “Then they went home. Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stooped and looked in.”

John outran Peter but he did not overstep authority. Peter arrived on the scene and they both went into the tomb. What they saw confirmed what they had been told and they went home satisfied. But not Mary. Think about this for a minute; these were men, ladies came to call you that there is trouble. Read the rest of this entry


1 Cor.15:41 “The sun is glorious in one way, the moon is glorious in another way, and the stars are glorious in their own [distinctive] way; for one star differs from and surpasses another in its beauty and brilliance.” (AMPC].

John 3:27 “John answered them, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless God bestows it.” (TPT]. Look to God and God alone as your source and do not be jealous of any man. The truth is, it does not make sense to be arrogant because you are nothing without Jesus – nothing! Read the rest of this entry