Sincerely Diligent

Heb.11:6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” [with emphasis]

God rewards those who sincerely seek Him. Our challenge is our insincerity in seeking God. It is not that we do not know that God exists or that we are not seeking. It is that we are not sincere. God rewards sincerity. How can you be going to church, yet you are not sincere in your heart towards God? God rewards sincerity. Everyone is worshipping but your eyes are on another person’s spouse, something is wrong with that worship immediately. Our challenge is our sincerity and God rewards those who sincerely seek Him.

In seasons of corporate fast, you claim to be plugged in but on your way out every day, you put biscuit in your bag just in case. Just in case what? If you have the biscuit in your bag, the truth is that you will always find a way of eating it. The enemy will bring a headache so severe that you will think you are going to die. You are not dying, it is a lie. Just say Jesus is my strength and you will be fine. But if you keep a back door open, in anything in life, you will eventually take that door. In marriage, in business, or in relationships, if you keep a back door open, you are going to take that door. You need to shut down all your options, it is sincerity of heart.

A pointer to sincerity is diligence; God rewards those that diligently seek Him. It is popularly said that the proof of desire is pursuit. In other words, you cannot tell me you desire to develop muscles, but you do not want to go to the gym. Or you signed up with an instructor, but you are dodging the training. You are not serious. Similarly, if you want to be a specialist in your field, the proof is not just talking about it. You have to pursue it! If you want to be strong spiritually, you have to do spiritual exercises. It is not going to be delivered to you on a platter of gold. If you want to lose 15kg, you have to cut the cheese, cut the meat, and hit the gym.

They say, and it is true that muscles are developed through resistance. Spiritual muscles are also developed through resistance – you fast and pray, you stretch yourself. You stay in that place even though you are stretched but you are developing. When you go to the gym, let us say you are meant to do ten push-ups but after five you are groaning but you keep pushing. After a while, ten push-ups will be easy for you so, you will need to push it up. What is happening is that you are actually growing through resistance. It is the same spiritually, if it does not cost you anything it is not going to take you anywhere.

Prayer:  Holy Spirit, please help me to seek God sincerely and diligently, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 26 May, 2019, in Believe, Faith, faithful, Reward. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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