Backed Up!

Matt.16:18 “This is why I have called you Peter (rock): for on this rock I will build My church. The church will reign triumphant even at the gates of hell.” [Voice]

Jesus wants you to be unstoppable. Why? It is because the church is made up of you and I. The church, the assembly of Jesus is made of lively stones and we are to be unstoppable. Rom.8:31 “What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” If God is for you, who can ever be against you? One reason not to fear anybody, one reason not to fear any opposition is, if God be for us we are unstoppable, who can be against us? Ayn Rand puts it this way, “The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me.” The question is not who is going to permit me to fulfill my destiny. The question is, what is going to stop me? As a child of God, you already have permission to fulfill your destiny. Many people are waiting for permission, I am announcing to you right now, permission granted! The question is not who will allow you to do it, the question is who is going to stop you from being all that you can.

Matt.21:44 “Anyone who stumbles over that stone will be broken to pieces, and it will crush anyone it falls on.” Everyone that stumbles over your destiny in fulfillment will be broken. As you move forward, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, anyone that tries to resist you will be crushed into powder. This is really serious because with life, you have only one shot at it and God wants you to fulfill your destiny. If you do not fulfill it, it is not to God’s credit, God cannot be joyful. Do you know that there are millions of people, literarily, that need you to fulfill your destiny? There are millions of people that are dependent on you stepping up and being all that God has called you to be. There are people that are waiting for you. So, it is not just about you and your spouse and your children. Not at all! There are people whose lives are going to be totally transformed because you are going to step up beginning from this season, in Jesus Name.

On mission is one of the most powerful places to be. There is ‘a work’ and there is ‘the work’; many people are doing ‘a work’ but not many people are doing ‘the work’. When you are on mission and you are doing ‘the work’, you are actually unstoppable. Anyone that tries to stop you, because you are doing ‘the work’, you can crush them. God said to Moses, “take off your shoes”; the tradition is such that there is a change of role, of personality and authority. It is like a covenant exchange; what happens is that God enters your shoes and you enter God’s shoes. That is why it is dangerous to go against someone that is on assignment, they may do things that do not make sense, but God will back it up you know. The reason is, they have entered into God’s shoes.

Prayer: Father, because You are for me, no one can come against me, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Monday 24 June, 2019, in Destiny, Jesus, Power, Unstoppable. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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