Take Flight!

Num.23:23 (KJV) “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought!”

Every time God wants to do something great, the enemy tries to place a curse. Curses attempt to hold people down.Remember the story of the children of Israel as they journeyed through the wilderness, from Egypt to Canaan. Balak felt threatened by them and he got Balaam to curse them [See Numbers 22-24]. But, Balaam realized very quickly that these people were un-cursable. We are un-cursable. My prayer for you is that everyone that attempts to curse you will be drowned in his or her own curses in Jesus Name. You cannot be cursed.

Sometimes, people are kept grounded plainly because of ignorance. Ignorance is a horrible thing. This is why you have to read, you have to expand your mind, and you have to learn. There were things that I was trying to achieve; I was praying and fasting. Then God, in His infinite mercy, led me to just one piece of information and that solved everything. Meanwhile I had been on this thing for a while, praying and fasting but knowledge was the gap. The reason a lot of people appear to be groping in the dark is ignorance; ignorance is darkness. Today, light will come into your situation. The hunger for God’s kind of wisdom, information, and knowledge will flood your life.

Sometimes, it is mental conditioning that is fueling mental limitations. The chains are broken, and the shackles are gone but because people have been mentally conditioned to a certain path, they do not arise. God has done the miraculous, God has done what only He can do, but people are too conditioned to move. Like in the Book of Acts, when God delivered Paul and Silas with an earthquake, the chains were broken, the prison gates flung open. But all the prisoners including Paul and Silas sat down in their cells [Acts 16]. However, in Peter’s case [Acts 12], when God did what only He could do, Peter got up and left. I pray that you will get up and leave, in Jesus Name.

Monkeys are typically masters at climbing trees and jumping twenty feet and above. To demonstrate mental conditioning, they put a monkey in a five-foot cage with a glass lid. The monkey would repeatedly attempt to jump out but would hit its head on the glass lid and fall back down. Again, and again the monkey tried but would always hit the glass lid at the five-foot mark. After a while, the lid was removed but the monkey could not jump higher than five feet. Even though the monkey was free, the monkey was still caged in its mind. In every area where you have been mentally limited, that mental limitation will crumble, and you will overcome in Jesus Name.

Prayer: Father, I declare that Jesus is Lord in my life, therefore I cannot be limited, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 29 October, 2019, in Condition, Flight, Ignorance, Un-cursable. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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