Just Like Jesus II

Luke 5:16 (ERV) “Jesus often went away to other places to be alone so that he could pray.”

Mark 1:35Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.” (emphasis added). What does it mean when the Bible says Jesus went out? Sometimes, you need to change location. This happens to me a lot when I am reading, preparing, or when I am studying, even my colleagues can testify to this. Sometimes, I just need to change my location. I need to get up, walk around, and sometimes sit on the floor. My colleagues come into my office and they find me sitting on the floor. At such times, I just need to get out of my chair. Sometimes, I need to physically get out on the streets of the place where I live. Or get into another room in the house because the bedroom has become too cozy. Or go outside, into the compound, or the car. I need to sometimes change where I am familiar with so that I can create a fresh environment, and it aids my connection to heaven. Jesus does it, we should too.

Mark 1:35Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.” (emphasis added). Jesus left the house to an isolated place, what does that mean? Jesus went to an isolated place where He could find quietness and where He would not be disturbed. There was a time that I went to a physical mountain to pray. I had to control myself because I almost got upset at some people on the mountain. One man, in particular, had come to the same mountain to pray but he was on his phone for the most part. When you go to an isolated place to pray and connect with God, leave your phone in your bag, or the car, or at home. Even when the isolated place is a room in the same house, leave your phone alone. Try it, leave your phone for one hour and you will discover that you will still be alive.

Interestingly, even when some of us are not in physical contact with people in our isolated place, we are in contact with the whole world digitally. Your friend’s tweets and likes are consistently showing up on your phone –distractions. Like Jesus, we need to go to an isolated place physically and mentally. On that same mountain, there was this man who by The Spirit of God I knew was a false prophet. He was prophesying and people were trooping to see him. I almost went to confront him about what he was doing, deceiving people. But I chose to mind my business; some people just would not listen; they must be fleeced. You will not be such a person, in Jesus Name.

Prayer: Father, I declare that like Jesus, before daybreak, I will get up, go out to an isolated place to see God’s face, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 16 January, 2020, in Discipline, Prayer. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Distractions are a big deal and they come in the most subtle way. We have to kill the slightest sense of them before they grow beyond our strength. GOD help us to be deliberate in killing them as fast as they come in Jesus name amen.

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