Spirit Guided

2 Pet. 3:17-18 (MSG) “But you, friends, are well-warned. Be on guard lest you lose your footing and get swept off your feet by these lawless and loose-talking teachers. Grow in grace and understanding of our Master and Saviour, Jesus Christ…”

In a counselling session, my wife and I were speaking to a couple about submission. One of the ways God has helped me in my life is, I hear what is spoken and what is not spoken. In the course of the session, I felt something was not quite right, the lady was not saying something. So, I asked her, “If your husband tells you to do anything, will you do it?” She said, “Yes!” It was the ‘yes’ of a new bride – confident and fired up. I asked again, “If your husband tells you to poison his mother, will you do it?” Without flinching, she said she would do it. Not because she hates her mother in law, but because he is her husband. She said, “He will take the punishment because I am under him.” Foolish woman! That is not the Bible and certainly not how things work.

Thank God my wife was right there, so we took time out to break things down to her. I told her what I am about to share with you now, so pay attention. In Christ there is neither male nor female, did you know that? When you stand before God, you are going to give account for your own life and what your spouse said or did not say would not matter. At that point, it is all about you, what you did and why you did what you did. Everybody will have to give account for themselves on judgment day. Otherwise, Sapphira should not have died. If Sapphira was not responsible for herself before God, would Peter have given her a chance to speak for herself? Would her answer be relevant since Ananias had already taken the flak?

When Peter said to Ananias, ‘how much did you sell the land?’ Ananias lied and Peter said, ‘Why have you lied to the Holy Ghost?’ Is Peter saying he is the Holy Ghost? Peter asked Ananias the question but when Peter was representing the true nature of things, he said Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit. The truth is, Peter is not there by himself; Peter is representing the Holy Spirit, the Chief Shepherd of His flock. When Sapphira showed up, Peter gave Sapphira a chance to come clean, but she chose to align with her husband. Then Peter told her, “the people that carried his body are coming for yours.” She died and was carried out just like Peter said. Authority and submission must start with “…Submit one to another.” Respect and submission must be mutual. If that does not exist, then there can be no marriage. Anything outside mutual respect and submission is an abusive way of interpreting authority and submission. This is God’s truth in black and white.

Prayer: Father, I ask for the grace and wisdom to consistently pattern my life and relationships after Your Word, in Jesus Name. Amen

Posted on Friday 5 June, 2020, in Direction, Spiritual Growth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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