
Isa.46:3-4 “Listen to me…I have cared for you since you were born. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime—until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.

Jesus did not prioritize the dying girl over the bleeding woman. Even in this God was making a big statement to Jairus. You are concerned about your little girl; I am also concerned about My little girl. This woman is My little girl and I am going to take care of her and pay attention to her. She is daddy’s little girl. Profound! The God that we serve can love everybody and everybody will feel special. I remember at a session with Jack Hayford, and he wanted us to introduce ourselves, you say your name and church. When it got to my turn, I said, “Femi Monehin from God’s Favourite House”. And he said, “Okay, you are God’s Favourite House so what about us?” God’s heart is that every church should be God’s Favourite House. God’s children are all special to Him. However, we all respond to His favour differently. We have chosen to respond to it in an equally special way. We are God’s Favourite House and we have no apologies.

Mark 5:36But Jesus overheard them and said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith.” God is saying to you, do not be afraid just have faith. I explained some days ago that the word overheard in this passage actually means overheard and ignored. Jesus overheard and ignored them. If you are going to fulfil your destiny there are some people you have to ignore. What they are saying maybe factual; it is not that they are evil or devilish, but you have to ignore them. The news the messengers brought to Jairus was not wrong in the physical, and they were not lying.

But Jesus ignored them. There are certain facts that you have to ignore for you to fulfill your destiny. For your faith to be activated and for your faith to work, there are certain facts that you must ignore. For instance, some of us have to ignore the facts of our account balance in order to believe God for the next level. Believe me! There are times that I look at the account balance and I say, this is fact, but this is not what will determine my faith. My faith will be determined by what God has said. Jesus, if it is you tell me to come walking on water. As soon as He says, ‘Come!’, Peter put one leg in first, but I jump in. Why? There are certain things that your spirit can catch but your mind cannot catch yet. Sometimes, if you wait until your mind catches it, it will be too late. Someone said, “When God is all you’ve got to hold onto, then hold onto Him with all you’ve got.”

Prayer: Father, in spite of what the facts may be, I choose this day to focus on You and Your Word alone. Be it unto me according to Your Word, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 7 July, 2020, in Favour, Fear, Overcome. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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