Don’t Stop

Luke 18:1 “One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up.” (emphasis added)

Very often, when Jesus wants to teach a life-changing truth, He tells stories. Jesus uses stories to engage people’s imagination and change their lives. Jesus, wanting to teach the concept of persistent prayer, told the story in Luke 18:1-8 (please read). It is the story of an unjust judge. If we are to contrast this judge in the story with Jesus, we see that while the judge was unjust, Jesus is just, and He is the judge of the whole earth. Like this judge in the story, some people pride themselves in the fact that they do not fear God. Someone said arrogantly, he did not even say who is God, he said ‘what is God?’ God is very patient. If I were God, thunder! Interestingly, it seems God delights in saving such a person. Amazing!

This judge does not fear God and this person telling the story is God Himself. The judge does not care for people. Not only does Jesus care for people, But He also gave His life for people. Jesus gave His life to us. Jesus is saying to you and I that when we come in prayer, we should not faint, we should not give up. There is a reason why God will put fainting and praying in the same sentence. It means praying is tough. Luke 18:1 One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up.” (emphasis added). Life throws all sorts of curve balls and obstacles in our paths. You have a plan complete with milestones of what you should achieve and when. But things do not seem to always go the way we planned it, have you discovered?

Yet God is saying, do not stop calling – do not give up. Jesus acknowledges that persistent prayer is tough. Anyone that says that prayer, persistent prayer is easy has not prayed persistently. God is saying, I know prayer – persistent prayer is not easy but it is possible. Since it is possible, I want you to pray persistently. Do not stop calling. Luke 18:7Even he rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?” In that area that you have been trusting God for, God will bring peace. In that area that you have been desiring for victory, God will bring victory. In the area that you are desiring for protection, God will bring protection in the Name of Jesus. Jesus shows us in Luke 18:1-8 that God will always come through, so do not stop calling.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, I ask for the grace to live a life that flows with ceaseless praise, gratitude, and prayer, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 7 August, 2020, in Acknowledge God, Action, Prayer. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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