Abundant Supply

Matt.25:29To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance.”

When people ask, who do you think you are, do not dwell on it. What matters most is who you think God is. When you set goals, you need to let the size of your God determine the size of your goal. Do not let your resources determine the size of your goal. Do not let your education determine the size of your goal. Do not let your connection determine the size of your goal. Do not let what your parents said, or what your siblings said, determine the size of your goal. Let your God, and God alone determine the size of your goal.

As the day breaks, as the opportunities begin to abound in your life, you need to remember these things. The first thing is, I Must Say No To Good Opportunities So That I Can Say Yes To Great Ones. The second thing is, Every Opportunity Must Be Evaluated. The third thing is, You Must Stay Flexible To Be Ready. The fourth thing is, Every Opportunity Will Have An Opposition.  When you are tempted to cut yourself to size, you need to remember it is not about you. It is not about who you think you are. It is all about who you think God is. When you want to short change yourself and begin to think like a grasshopper, you need to stop yourself and remember the size and limitless abilities of your very big God. People ask me why I am not afraid? It is simple; it is because of who is behind me and not because of me. Why am I so sure that this Goliath is going to fall? The same God that killed the lion and killed the bear will take down this Goliath. 

The fifth thing about opportunities is, Great Opportunities Bring Great Responsibility And Great Reward. Please read Matt.25:14-30. Sometimes people ask, why is God not giving me more responsibilities? The question is, how have you handled the one He has given you? The reason some people are not investing their lives, or saving money is because it would not meet the inflation rate. Yet you have not grown the money either. “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given...” This is how God thinks and works. The point is that great opportunity comes with great responsibility and reward.

It is a New Dawn, your light has come. You need to arise and shine and seize the spiritual opportunities before you. Start serving in church, use your gifts and time for God. Take the financial increase and the relationship opportunities that God is bringing your way. See it, sift it and seize it.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I declare that my light has come therefore there will be no darkness in my life. I see clearly, I sift wisely and as I seize my reward will be great, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 24 September, 2020, in Ability, Acknowledge God, Blessings. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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