Move on!

Ps. 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.”


Ps. 37:8 (GW, emphasis added)Let go of anger, and leave your rage behind. Do not be preoccupied. It only leads to evil.” The reason some people are not serving in church today is that a Pastor [or minister] cut them deep. For this reason, they have decided that they will just go to church and say, ‘Amen to prayers’. You have refused to let it go. God is saying to you, “I need you to serve, let it go!” Let it go! God will not be telling us to let it go if He does not know that it sticks easily. God is saying let it go because He knows that it sticks on us easily. So, you have to choose to let it go because it would not go by itself. You have to say, “Go! Goodbye!” Let it go! It is time to let it go! I do not know why this is being emphasized but let it go.

If I have offended you, let it go because sometimes things are not as you think they are. It was my birthday some days ago, glory be to God and I am grateful for all the calls, messages, and gifts. I am blown away every time, God bless you all in Jesus Name. However, I have a good problem every year. Believe it or not, I get well over a thousand messages by God’s grace. As I finish responding to one batch, another batch pours in. I mentioned this casually at one of our services and a lady walked up to me and said, “I thought you were not going to reply my message.” Meaning that she was already angry with me. I like to reply to my messages personally. I read it and send a reply. It is easier to do a “copy and paste” response. But I think that if someone has taken their time to send me a message, I should take the time to read it and respond. And I usually start with the oldest messages first, it is tough, but it is a good problem.

If you do not let go of what is gone, you cannot walk into what is coming. You would not be able to relate to this year if you are still rehearsing and reacting to last year. You would not be able to enjoy what God wants to do now if you are still rehearsing, rehashing, and reiterating what has gone in the past years. God is saying, let it go, just let it go and move on. Just move on! Job 18:4 (GNT)You are only hurting yourself with your anger…” If you keep rehashing it, you are only hurting yourself. Let go of your wounds.

How do I let go of my wounds? True Forgiveness. I let go of my worries by prayer. I let go of my wounds through true forgiveness. So, you need to ask yourself, who do I need to forgive? What wound from the past years do I need to let go of? The truth is you need to let go of all wounds from the last years. If there is someone you think you can never forgive. The good news is, there is hope for you today because that is why you need Jesus. And He will help you forgive the person if you are willing. Ps. 147:3 (TPT)He heals the wounds of every shattered heart.” Forgiveness is to allow the person that hurt you to go free, only to discover that you are the person that has gone free.


Prayer: Lord, in obedience I let go, please help me truly forgive. You are the Balm in Gilead; I bring my heart to You today and I ask that You heal every wound, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 24 January, 2021, in Ability, Acknowledge God, Choice, Focus, Worry. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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