New Day

1 Cor. 1:30 “…a clean slate and a fresh start come from God by way of Jesus Christ.” (MSG, emphasis added).

When we come into God’s presence, it is so important that we open our hearts to God, His Word, and to all that God is doing. Do not take it for granted that it will happen every time you come into God’s presence. Be deliberate about it. I pray that as we do, God will open our eyes, cause us to see as we ought to see, and change our lives, in Jesus Amazing Name.

We have been on an amazing journey these past few weeks and we have confronted some life-defining questions. The first question we confronted is, who is your Shepherd? And the answer is Only Jesus! It is so important that we fully understand that it is Jesus that is at the centre of it all because it affects everything, and it changes everything. The second question we confronted is, who can give you a better life? The answer is Only Jesus! The third question is, who can give you resurrection power? Again, the answer is Only Jesus! And the fourth question is, who can give you a fresh start? The answer remains, Only Jesus! Only Jesus can give you a fresh start!

Have you started a project and right in the middle of the project you wished you could start again? Have you, because of the cost of getting someone to do something for you, decided you could do it yourself? Only for you get halfway and wish you could start again. For some of us, it is our education. We get halfway or more than halfway, and we wish we could start again. You have matured and gotten a better understanding of things in perhaps your third year. So, you wish you could go back to year one and do it over. This happened to me when I gave my life to Christ at the end of my third year at the university. I wished I could start all over because I realized that I had played too much in my previous years.

Yet for some of us, it is our marriage we wish we could start again. If a lot of married couples could start their marriages again, they would do many things differently. Sometimes, it is in the area of parenting; we dabble into this thing called parenting with no experience. Now we are looking at our twelve-year-old, wishing we knew what we now know when the child was two-years-old. The good news is that this season, the season of the Passover, of Easter, is all about coming alive and starting afresh. It is not coming alive to the same old life. God did not raise the dry bones so that they can continue in the same way. No, He raised an exceedingly great army, He was doing a new thing.

God wants to give you a fresh start. A fresh start in your relationships, with your worldview, and in all the things that matter to you. Only Jesus can give you a fresh start. A fresh start comes from God but by way of only Jesus Christ. I believe, by the grace of God that you have come alive [say amen] in all the areas of your life. But it is so that you can actually have a fresh start.

Prayer:  Father, I receive a clean slate and a fresh start from You by way of Jesus Christ, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 26 March, 2021, in Acknowledge God, Christ, New Life, Resurrection. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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