Walk & Talk

Jer. 33:3 “Ask me, and I will tell you things that you don’t know and can’t find out.” (CEV)

You have to learn to communicate with the Holy Spirit. You have to talk to Him and actually expect Him to talk back to you. Do you think it is spooky or maybe even scary to expect the Holy Spirit to talk back to you? Guess what? The Holy Spirit is already talking to you, you just have not realized it. Ask Him questions and expect His answers. I do not do it as often these days maybe I need to begin to do it again as often as I used to. But years ago, when I meet someone for the first time, as I shake the person’s hand I ask, “Who is this, Holy Spirit?” and He always responds – always! It is so exciting and interactive.

I met a lady back in the day and when I asked the Holy Spirit about her, He said, “She is brutish.” I had never heard the word brutish before. So, I checked the dictionary, there was no Google at the time. The dictionary defined brutish as ‘He that causes pain.’ I understood the Holy Spirit was saying that she will cause me pain. My response? This one cannot hurt a fly. She was so sweet, so gentle, and so beautiful. How can You say she is brutish? I convinced myself that I did not get what the Holy Spirit was saying this time. The truth is that you have to give yourself some bandwidth, sometimes you will not get it right and it is fine. So, I pushed it aside, but it kept coming back to my remembrance. Fast forward two years later, the girl showed me. I could have saved myself all that drama.

With the people you employ, you can save yourself a lot of drama by just asking. The people you bring into your business; you think because somebody just has a bright idea you should partner with the person? You do not know the things that are going on behind the scene. Trust me, you have no clue. But if you ask, God will show you, God will tell you. Years ago, I was travelling, and sitting beside me was an old white frail lady. I put her age at eighty, eighty-five. If I am going to be sitting beside someone for six to eight hours, I want to know who the person is. So, I did not shake her hand or anything, I just said to the Holy Spirit, “Who is this person?” And He said, “She is a missionary.” I looked at her, “This one? How can this old frail woman be a missionary? It is a tough thing to be a missionary. So, I dismissed it.

She was struggling with her seatbelt, I helped her. I wanted to sleep but she would not let me. She kept telling me stories and I ended up not sleeping. Then, she told me that she had been a missionary in Calabar since she was eighteen. She had dedicated her life to the gospel and was now going back home at eighty-five. I was shocked. By now the plane had landed; then she held my hands and she began to pray and prophesy at the top of her voice. I was embarrassed but people that know God sometimes don’t care who is staring. Everything she prophesied has come to pass. The point is this, we need to learn to communicate with the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, please tell me things that I do not know and cannot find out, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 18 April, 2021, in Ask, Believe, Communication, Companionship, Holy Spirit, Intimacy with God, Questions, Relationship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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