
2 Sam. 6:15 “So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns (trumpets).” (emphasis added).

True worship happens When I Take Extreme Measures To Do It Right. True worship happens When I Get Physically Involved [With My Body]. Thirdly, true worship happens When I Let The Music Move Me Into God’s Presence. 2 Sam. 6:15 So David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns (trumpets).” (emphasis added). They allowed the music to move them in worship. The Bible specifically says shouts of joy; if God had said sounds of joy it would have been debatable that they were just making quiet sound and they were joyful in their hearts. The Bible is clear, shouts of joy. You shout by engaging your vocal cords and with the shouting came the blowing of the trumpet. David and the entire procession were loud!

It is important that we understand worship from a Biblical perspective not from personality preference. Most times, we want to engage God from our personality preference. That is when you hear people say things like, ‘I do not like to dance’. God says, ‘dance’, it is the person that has legs that can dance. You may not be able to do the latest dance moves. The key is you are dancing for the Lord so let the music move you into God’s presence. Your body needs to be fully engaged for true worship to happen.

True worship is When I Am Engaged And Not Passive. 2Sam.6:16But as the Ark of the Lord entered the City of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked down from her window. When she saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, she was filled with contempt for him.” (emphasis added). There is no vacuum in the spirit. Michal was passive whereas everybody in Jerusalem was on the streets including her husband [the king]. But she was watching from her window – passive. The danger of being passive is, when people are passive the enemy uses them because there is no vacuum in the spirit. For example, the time kings went to war, David was passive (2 Sam.11:1). When people are passive, they are open to the enemy. For you to be a true worshipper, you have to be active in worship and not passive in worship. We see from David that true worship happens when we are engaged in worship and not passive. There is no vacuum in the spirit, just like the example of fruit and weeds.

Fruit takes effort; fruit needs to be planted and tended. But weeds need no effort to grow. So, when you just leave your mind inactive in worship, weeds begin to grow – arrogance creeps in, you become critical, you get touchy. Meanwhile, God wants you to be active. What would have happened if Michal chose to align with the passion and posture of her husband? What would have happened if Michal went to join David on the streets, would she have the problem she had? There would be no opportunity for the enemy to sow contempt for David in her heart.

Prayer [song]: I will come and bow down at Your feet Lord Jesus. In Your presence is fullness of joy. There is nothing, there is no one who compares with You. I take pleasure in worshiping You Lord. Amen!

Posted on Monday 31 January, 2022, in Acknowledge God, Active, Offering, Opinions, Sacrifice, Worship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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