Hand It Up

1 Cor.1:25 “This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength.”

Get Wisdom. Stretch Your Imagination. Establish Your Goals. Build The Team (or join the team). When you have done these four, then you need to Commit It To God. Psalm 37:4-5Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” Commit the dream to God. The rest of your life can and should be the best of your life and one of the keys is to commit it to God. Regardless of what the economy says, commit it to God. If somebody asks you, how big is your God? What will be your response? How do we know how big your God is? We know how big your God is when we see how big your dreams are. The size of your dreams tells us the size of your God.

The size of your dreams defines the size of your God. You can say, I have a Mighty God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Then you have a small dream that you want to manage. The size of your dreams tells us, at the least, your belief in your God. The size of your dreams tells us how much of this God that you actually embrace. The size of your dreams shows us the reality of that God to you. It is just not about mouthing the bigness of your God. It is not just about singing about the bigness of your God. We just need to take a look at your dreams. And the truth is this, the only limit that God has, the only limit of God’s power is the limit you put on Him. It is how far you can draw, the limits you put on Him. He said to Abraham, look as far as you can see. Abraham’s sight determined how big that vision was.

Guess what? One of the common sins of Christians is the sin of small vision. One statement that makes my stomach churn is, ‘I just want to serve God in my own little way’. I hear it and my stomach rumbles. What does that even mean? What about saying I want to serve God in a huge way. Why must it be that it is God you want to serve in your own ‘little way’. Then when it comes to your financial goals, you want God to serve you in a very big way, right? I want to serve God in as big a way as He will allow. God, Himself has a dream for you. He has a plan for you. Jer.29:11 I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future” (NIV). When you see God in this new way, you begin to see yourself in a different way. When you see God how you should see him, you begin to see your problems in a different way.

When you start seeing God in a different way, you are going to start seeing our problems in a different way. You are going to start seeing your spouse in a different way. You are going to start seeing your children that you think are a problem, in a different way. And God says He knows the plans and dreams He has for you. So why should you have a small dream for how God should use you? God has a big dream for you, are you going to cooperate with him?

Prayer: Father, perfect all Your great plans You have for me, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 3 January, 2023, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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