From Within

John 7:38-39 “‘Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given…” (NIV, emphasis added)


Jesus came so that you may have life. And the key to this life in God is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one who unlocks this life. And this life that Jesus is talking

 about is a life that flows from within. Very often, whenever we feel we are not bubbly, or we need life or joy, we look on the outside for it. Sometimes, we look to our possessions. I want to go shopping; it makes me happy. Have you heard that before? Some people go for the bottle, others jump from one bed to another. For some, it is binging on movies. When I get one more car, I will be happy.

When I have a child…  you get the first one. Then it became when I have the second child my husband will love me.  When I have the third child my husband will love me. When she had the fourth child, she said, “Now I will praise the Lord!” And then she stopped having children.” That is why she named him Judah (Genesis 29:31-35, please read). The truth is that there is nothing on the outside that can give you this life that God is talking about. The life God is talking about can only come from the inside, only the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, since we do not want to get “busy” with the things of the world, we get “busy” with the things of God. In the sense that we get to church early, arrange chairs, park cars, sweep, sing in the choir, and join the prayer team. We are doing many things for God hoping that we will find joy in the process. 

Sadly, we can unintentionally prioritize a life for God over a life with God. What God wants to impart in us this season is for us to prioritize a life with God. It is this internal reality that actually overflows on the outside becoming an external reality. When we look at the life of Jesus, the Words that He spoke were overflowing from within Him. And these Words are words to live by. If we check the last few days Jesus spent on earth, the period Jesus had the last alone time with His disciples, He sat with them and said many things. 

When a man knows he is going to die in a few days and he opens his mouth to talk, pay attention to what he says because he knows he does not have time to waste. Think about it, God forbid but what will your conversations be like? Will you be planning the Dubai trip? Even with first-class tickets, that is not what will be on your mind. Many of us will think about our children, loved ones, the people we are responsible for, how to ensure they will be alright. 

Prayer: Father, please take away my foolish desires, and let me find life by walking with You.  Let me find life by Your Spirit, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! (psalm 119:37, CEV

Posted on Friday 28 March, 2025, in Christ, Christians, Goodness of God, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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