Let go!

Jer. 30:17 (NIV) “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord…”


Three main barriers can hinder the flow of New-Streams in our lives. The first one we looked at is worry. The second barrier we need to let go of is Wounds. Perhaps you have been lied to, or disappointed, or perhaps someone cheated you. Maybe it was even a brother [someone that you trusted] or a sister [someone that you relied on] that wounded you. The truth is that for New-Streams to flow in your life, you need to let go of the wounds. For some, it is the wounds of betrayal; you turned your back and they put a dagger through it. Now you are bleeding and wondering how they could do such a thing to you. Ps. 109:22 (KJV) “…my heart is wounded within me.” It is the internal wounds [cuts] that run deep. God wants to start a New-Stream in your life [say Amen], but you need to let go of your wounds.

A lot of us do not remember some of the physical wounds we had when we were young, even when we can see the scars. But the hurtful words said by a neighbour, or a bully, or a parent, or a sibling, are fresh in our memory. Unfortunately, those are the wounds that are holding a lot of people back from God’s best. For you to come into the full experience of the New-Streams God is releasing, you need to let go of the wounds. For some, the wounds you are carrying were caused by your childhood friend and because of that, you cannot trust anyone, you are suspicious of everyone. For some, it is your spouse that actually wounded you deeply. God is saying to you today, “New-Streams are going to burst forth in your life, but you need to let go of the wounds.”

How come when somebody says one hurtful thing and then says ten other helpful things, people tend to remember only that one hurtful thing?

How come we are able to remember those hurtful words that were spoken to us? How come when someone says one hurtful thing and ten helpful things, you remember only the hurtful thing? Love is passion and sometimes, passion boycotts reasoning. Therefore, sometimes when married couples are in conversation, without thinking, one person says things and cuts the other person deep even though that was not the intention. He or she realizes it and quickly says ten good things afterward. But time passes and the other person remembers only the hurtful thing. But ten good things were said after that, why is it only the hurtful thing the other person remembers? A study conducted by neuro scientists and psychologists, says one main reason is, we rehearse [repeat, rehash] it to ourselves. When we hold on to hurt, it leads to bitterness [resentment] because you are repeating it to yourself. Guess what? If you have rehearsed one of the good things that your spouse has said, it will erase the negative things that he or she has said. So, puts the power in our hands.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, I surrender my wounds to You [even those I am not aware of] and I ask that according to Your Word, You restore and heal me, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Friday 22 January, 2021, in Ability, Acknowledge God, Align, Let go, Worry. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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