Money Money!

‘Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering’ Ex.25:2 [KJV]


The second reason why we save money is so that when God calls for a seed we will have something to sow. Typical example is the Jews. When they were leaving Egypt, God blessed them with gold and all the jewelries of the Egyptians. God expected that they retain the wealth. But instead they built a golden calf with it. When Moses saw what had happened, in anger, he melted the calf, mixed it in water, and made all of them drink it. So the gold moved from their hands to their stomachs. While they were in the wilderness, God asked for money to build the temple. Where was God expecting them to get the money? These people were not farming, they were just moving from one place to the other. God expected them to give from the money He had blessed them with from Egypt. So when God calls for a seed and you don’t have seed to sow then you have eaten the seed. The gold is in your stomach. My wife and I save money. It got to a time that the money we had was sizable and an opportunity to sow into someone’s life came. It was not an investment opportunity, it was a sowing opportunity. As you are going to learn in multiplying money, seeding [sowing] is a major part of multiplying money. It is like spiritual investment. There was this woman that we felt we should sow the money into her life. So we cleared the savings account. It may not mean a lot to you but it was a lot to us, and we sowed it into her life. Did we lose money? Of course not. When God called for it, we had it. But for some of us we are currently eating the seed or we have eaten the seed even before God calls for it. God calls for seed so make it a point to retain wealth.

The third way to relate with money is Spend Money. This is the women’s department. Women love to spend money. Spend mainly on your needs and not your wants. I need a phone and I want an iPhone. Are they the same thing? You don’t need an iPhone. What you need is a basic phone. You inevitably have to spend but if you spend on what you need, not just on what you want. If you decrease the spending on what you want, you will be shocked at how much you can save.


Prayer: Father, I ask for the wisdom to retain wealth and spend only when I need to, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Wednesday 26 March, 2014, in Finances, Guidance, Money, Personal Growth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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