Get It!

Dan.9:2 [NIV] “in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years.” [with emphasis]


Jeremiah had paid the price and the scriptures say that the Word of the Lord had been given to him. Daniel could have said, “I am Daniel the one that has an excellent spirit, I will get my own Word from the Lord.” Instead, Daniel chose the wise route, he located the Book of Jeremiah and he read it. How many ladders do you want to make and then climb? It took someone else thirty years to pay the price for this thing you seek. Locate the person and they will pour into you in thirty minutes what it took them thirty years to get from heaven.

Believe me, the smart route is not the arrogant route. The smart thing is to humble yourself, buy the person lunch and save yourself the stress. Like we said yesterday, why bother making a new ladder then climbing all the way to heaven only to be sent back to buy the book. Then you will have to come back down. You do not have time to waste – buy the book and read the book! What I am sharing with you may sound simple but this is the key to life. It is a principle that I use in my life and I will not be sharing it if it does not work.

When my wife and I started pastoring over ten years ago, I found a pastor in the western world. The man knew more than me and I sat with him and I asked him questions. For the first time in my life I heard that there is something called “barriers to growth” and he broke it down for me. I had never heard it before that time. Some people have been pastoring for twenty-five years and they do not know what the barriers to growth are.

Eighty percent of the churches in the world are two hundred and below in terms of population. The pastors do not know how to break the two hundred barrier and they have refused to buy lunch for the people that can teach them how to break the two hundred barrier. He said there is a five hundred barrier, there is an eight hundred barrier, there is a one thousand barrier and then the thousands. By God’s grace God’s Favourite House is in the thousands. It is not luck! I sat with him, he taught me, and I took notes. Then, I took action because it is not what you know. It is what you do with what you know and because God is not a respecter of persons.


Prayer: Jesus, I admit I need wisdom and understanding, lead me by Your Spirit to the right sources to acquire it, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 23 May, 2018, in Action, Diligence, Humility, Sacrifice, Wisdom. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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