Category Archives: Relationship

He Answers

“It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him” John 9:3.


Jesus is The Answer and as The Answer, He was asked a whole lot of questions. I did a little bit of research and I discovered that Jesus was asked about a hundred and ten documented questions. That’s a lot in three years. Thirty-seven out of the one hundred and ten questions were asked by Jesus Himself. Jesus would ask a question and He would answer it Himself. Read the rest of this entry

Do You Really Know Him?

“One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple” Ps.27:4 [KJV].


Jesus is Alpha! Jesus was there before you were born, before your parents decided to have a baby. Even when they said you were a mistake and they wanted to flush you out, Jesus made sure that you were not aborted. I know of a child that the parents attempted to abort several times but they did not succeed. And today, that child is the most powerful among their children and the parents are glad that they didn’t abort the child. Read the rest of this entry

Relational Impact

‘Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever did!”’ John 4:39.


Your vertical relationship with The One influences your horizontal relationships with people. This means your horizontal relationship with people is a reflection of your vertical relationship with The One. If you see someone that is grumpy, easily angered, and always picking a fight, guess what? -that person’s issue is not with you but rather it is with The One. Just tell him or her to go and see The One. When people are spitting Read the rest of this entry

Not Without Faith

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him’ Heb.11:6.


Faith is the number one pleasing factor when it comes to relating with God. Without faith in your heart you cannot please God. While man looks on the outward appearance and might be fooled by lip service, God looks to your heart. And when He looks and does not find faith then we are not pleasing to Him. But you will please God because you will have faith. You need to constantly hear God to know how to go about pleasing Him at Read the rest of this entry

Walking with God

‘I will set My dwelling in and among you, and My soul shall not despise or reject or separate itself from you. And I will walk in and with and among you and will be your God, and you shall be My people’ Lev. 26:11-12.

God wants to have a relationship with you. Through Jesus, He established a more personal relationship with us were we can talk to Him personally and not through a priest. Walking with God requires two things; agreeing with God and pleasing God.

Agreement: Walking with God requires an agreement [Amos 3:3]. You must ask yourself truthfully, are you in Read the rest of this entry

Know His Voice

‘As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him’ Ps.18:30 [KJV].


I am confident in God that God will change your life for good beginning today. For some of us, even in this last few days of this year, we are going to gain so much speed that January till now will be like an introduction. With God there is no space and time, God lives in eternity and He can be everywhere at the same time doing awesome things without diminishing in power. Isn’t that awesome? And do you know Read the rest of this entry

Consider This I

‘Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine’ 1 Sam.17:40 [NIV]


There are a few interesting things that I want to bring to your attention. Firstly, Saul gave David his own armor. But after trying them on, David knew that this was not going to work for him so he took it off because he had not proved them. Then David looked at goliath and deployed innovative thinking. If you remember in the story, David said to Saul, the Lion came and I killed it. I held it by the beard and killed Read the rest of this entry

Instructions To Obey

‘Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do’ Josh.1:8.


Goliath is a very popular character in the Bible and his fall made room for David’s promotion. As the goliath’s fall in our lives this season, promotion will follow suit in Jesus Name. David was a shepherd boy, he was just a no name, tending to sheep and goats. But David had an unusual trait and that is David is a communicator. There is something in David that just wants to have a conversation. And when David Read the rest of this entry

A Shift

‘The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, 
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise’ Ps.51:17 [NKJV].


Over the next few days we are going to be learning True Repentance from the heart of David. David demonstrated true repentance in Psalm 51. Interestingly this is one of the Psalms that my grandmother made us memorize by repetition. My grandmother is illiterate so we had to memorize it in our dialect. I would encourage you to memorize Psalm 51 in your dialect; it is very powerful. There were points when Read the rest of this entry

Trustworthy Father

‘But even after all he did, you refused to trust the Lord your God, who goes before you looking for the best places to camp, guiding you with a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day’ Deut.1:32-33.


Does God say no to some of the life defining questions we ask? Yes! However you must make it a habit to ask the Father because He alone knows the end from the beginning. On the subject of marriage, ninety nine percent of the time you should get married. It is only like one percent of the time that God will say no. And for that one percent, marriage is not in God’s plan for their life. So for every one Read the rest of this entry