His Kingdom!

Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer itMatt.16:18


Why was Jesus so convinced about soul winning? I’ll give you two out of many reasons why. The first reason is that this is the way to build His Kingdom. Jesus has a Kingdom and He wants to build His Kingdom? He builds His Kingdom through you and I when we lead other people into that Kingdom. When we do this, He is excited. And in response to that He says ‘ask My Father anything and it will be done for you’. That is a good deal! Take note, it is His Kingdom. Years ago, I used to drive a super-scrap car. My mum used it, handed it down to my eldest brother, who passed it on to me. I used it and passed it on and the ‘handing down’ continued until the car died. This car and I were so in tune such that when the car is going to have a problem I would know. Sometimes I would know what the exact problem is. One day, while I was driving on a major road, the car developed a problem. I had to pull over and try to figure out what the problem was. While I was there disgruntled, two men came from nowhere claiming to be mechanics and they proposed to help out. I couldn’t figure out what the problem was anyway so I stood back and let them try. As they were working on the car, one of them just began to sob like a baby. Note they were rugged looking men. He said he wanted to accept Jesus and repent of his sins. I did not preach a word to him. At that time I did not know what was going on and I was angry with myself. I felt the least spiritual in my life giving the circumstances. And the thought of how many girls had seen me beside this broken down car had even crossed my mind because I was not married at the time. Sometimes it does not matter how you feel. God will do what He wants to do. My thoughts were how did he know I was saved? The other one joined him and it became a crying party. So I prayed with them, they accepted Jesus, fixed the car and I left. Till today, I have never seen  them again after that incidence. But guess what, the Kingdom of God increased by two people that day. I later discovered that what happened was the presence of God. The presence of God can be so intense around you that when people come around you, they get convicted of sin.


Prayer: May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forever more, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Sunday 11 May, 2014, in Guidance, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Witnessing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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