Believing Is Seeing

“For through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him” Col.1:16 [emphasis added].


There are some things that are not seen. All you see is not all there is. There is more to life than meets the eye. Do not waste your life thinking that all you see is all there is. Even the biggest telescopes cannot see what is happening out there. Do not limit yourself by saying ‘if I don’t see it I can’t believe it, seeing is believing’. With God, believing is seeing. In fact, some things are not seen but you better believe. Some people say if you do not believe, it won’t hurt you. Have you heard that statement before? If a live high-tension cable is before you and you say you don’t believe in electricity so you are going to touch it, trust me you don’t want to learn such things by experience. Pay attention to this – all things cannot be seen! The Bible gives us examples of the things that cannot be seen, “…such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him”. The things we cannot see rule the things we can see. The examples of the things we cannot see are a description of authority, of control, of power. What happens on the throne and in kingdoms? What do the rulers and authorities do? But Jesus is Lord over the things that are seen and the things that are not seen. Jesus is Lord over every throne, every authority, every dominion, and every power. Jesus is Lord!

Someone came to me once and said he had entered into a pact with some herbalist who was now trying to extort him. He had given the herbalist a lot of money and then decided to opt out of the pact but the man would not allow him. He said the man was showing up in his dreams and all sorts of messy things. So I explained the Lordship of Jesus to him and that there are authorities, there are thrones and small powers but the greatest power is Jesus. And I held his hand and said these exact words; we called the name of the herbalist and we said “in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we sound a warning now, beginning from today if you attempt to reach this man, God will answer you”. He said, is that all?-just like that? I said yes. The power is not in the prayer; the power is in the God behind the prayer. The following day, the young man said the herbalist called him and told him to go away with all his trouble. Every force that is resisting your destiny, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, will crumble today. As you have entered into God’s Presence today, you will not go back the same. This day may seem ordinary but it is not. Pay attention.


Prayer: Jesus, I declare that You alone are Lord over my life and I sound a warning to everything that is contesting Your Lordship in my life to back off now, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Wednesday 1 April, 2015, in Jesus, Lordship and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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