Inspite Of The Hard Place

“You had little indeed before I came, but your wealth has increased enormously. The Lord has blessed you through everything I’ve done. But now, what about me? When can I start providing for my own family?” Gen.30:30


Over the next few days, we are going to learn what it takes to bloom in a difficult place. And I believe God will change your life totally with His Word. Please read Genesis 30:25-43. The first thing that jumps out at us from this portion of scripture is that Jacob was in a difficult place. Unfortunately, when a lot of people find themselves in Jacob’s predicament, they begin to grumble and complain. Jacob would have been justified to sit under a tree and complain about how Laban was cheating him. After all, they had an agreement but Jacob did not do that. In fact, Laban practically handed him a blank cheque. Take note; when a cunning man gives you a blank cheque, don’t write on it. Laban says, I’m giving you a blank cheque, anything you want, ask of me [translated]. What are your wages? But Jacob said don’t give me anything.

How did Jacob even get to this point? Jacob left the comfort of his father’s house, because his brother was trying to kill him, to squat with his uncle, Laban. But the place was just a hard place. This may describe where you are right now; yet I have been sent to tell you that you are going to bloom in spite of the hard place. You are going to bloom in that difficult place. Jacob bloomed in spite of the difficulty that he faced. How did he do it? You and I are in the new Covenant; we have a better Covenant than Jacob did. For everyone that is in paid employment, guess what? Your organization is going to flourish because of you. When they pay your salary they are not doing you a favor. In fact, every time they pay you, say ‘if not me in this place, there will be no salary paid to anybody’. That was just how Jacob was and that is how you will be, in Jesus Name. However, we need to learn a few things from Jacob. The first thing we notice is that Jacob focused on what he could produce and not what was due him. So you need to focus on what you can produce and not on your due. Unfortunately, a lot of us are focusing on our due but God is saying you need to begin to focus on what you can produce. “What wages do you want?” Laban asked again. Jacob replied, “Don’t give me anything. Just do this one thing, and I’ll continue to tend and watch over your flocks” Gen.30:31. Why was Jacob so confident? Imagine your boss walks up to you, acknowledges your commitment to work and asks how he can reward you. And Jacob says don’t give me a cheque, let us have a deal instead. Jacob knew that when you have a cheque it will expire but when you have a deal it will last longer than a cheque – so opt for the deal.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for Bloom in every area of my life inspite of the hard place, in Jesus Name.

Posted on Sunday 24 May, 2015, in Bloom, Covenant, Encouragement. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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