Foundation Stone II

“‘Well done!’ the king exclaimed. ‘You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward” Lu.19:17.


You cannot afford to be comfortable with mediocrity or with being mentally lazy. Study! I repeatedly hear people say is it because I bought this device that I have to go back to school? No, it is because you are who you are that is why you have to study the about the device. It is not about the device here, it is about your life. For all of us our lives our filled with potential, filled with the things that God wants us to be but we scramble round with ten percent of our offerings because we are getting some result. God wants you to deploy yourself. You need to study; you need to give diligence to these things. Our need for predictability kills our quest for more depth. In other words, we just want to know the basics of how to get around and that is all. Make up your mind to get out of that zone.

#2. DO LITTLE THINGS WELL. Many people want God to bless them with a great thing but they will not do little things well. “Doing small thing well is the path to getting great things done” –Rick Warren. “‘…You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward” Lu.19:17. Many people will pray and fast for ten cities, they will wage warfare for ten cities but they still would not get ten cities. Why? It is because they are not faithful in the little things. God has given you a little thing and you are ignoring it because all you are dreaming about are the bigger things. But God is saying do little things well. The kind of God we have is One who comes around to visit from time to time. May His visitation lead to promotion for us all, in Jesus Name. So God is going to be checking the little things because He wants to know how you are doing on the little things. You see a young man who is not responsible planning to get married. This same young man is the kind that will send his shirt to be washed and want to take that shirt back without even paying for the service rendered but he intends to get married. How can he take care of a whole human being if he cannot take care of his own affairs? You have to be found to be faithful in little things. Some of us did not have issues tithing when our income was twenty thousand a month. In fact, it was that faithfulness God saw and consistently increased us until our income became fifty million a month. But sadly this is the point when people begin to question what the church is doing with tithe. That is where we begin to have problems. Some start to rationalize; they decide to give a percentage to orphans or to pay school fees for someone. You should do that but that is not your tithe. You cannot rationalize God.


Prayer: Holy Spirit, strengthen my hands and my heart to be always faithful in the little things, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Tuesday 16 June, 2015, in Commitment, Discipline, Study, Tithe. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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