Give Thanks!

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Ps.136:1 [emphasis added].


Many times we do not stop to say thank you profusely enough at God’s goodness. Let your thanksgiving be commensurate to how much you desired the breakthrough. If the breakthrough requires you to fast and pray, maybe the testimony should require you to dance and rejoice. Dance before God. Rejoice before your Maker. Give thanks to the God that has spared you and kept you in spite of the pain. With all that we are if we are anything at all and with all that we have if we have anything at all, we will come before this God and we rejoice before Him. Why should you give thanks to the Lord? For He is good, His mercies endures forever, He crowns the year with His goodness.

Complaining blinds you. I came across a picture of a family -mother, father, and son. The parents were holding the boy’s hands. The mother had one shoe on her right foot and the father had one shoe on his left foot because both parents had donated their second shoe for their sons two feet. I hope you can picture this. The caption on the picture read, “Never complain about the things your parents could not give you. It was probably all they had”. It will be a terrible thing if that child complains that his shoes are not even identical and all his mates wear identical shoes. That was all the parents had and they gave their all for him to have all. Complaining blocks our eyes from seeing the good and the sacrifices the people around us have made. Two men were playing golf, an older man and a younger man. The elderly man’s game was good but the younger man was too anxious so his game was not so good and he began to complain. Sometimes, when things are not going well we turn to the people closest to us and vent our frustration on them even though it has nothing to do with them. So he began to rain abuses on and blame his caddie for distracting him. And after the game he fired the caddie and said, aren’t there good caddies in this place? So the older man decided to tell him a story about William. William came in with a bad leg but the first man he served was a medical doctor who in turn treated him. William is the same caddie that served everyone that won a major tournament. So the younger man asked again, aren’t there any William’s left in this world? And the old man said, the man you just fired was William. The same caddie that carried the bag for world champions was not good enough for you because you are ungrateful. Stop and check your gratitude.


Prayer: Lord, I give You thanks because You are good and Your mercies endure forever. Father, I thank You for lavishing me with Your goodness, in Jesus Name.


Posted on Friday 4 December, 2015, in Gratitude, Guidance, Honouring God, Thanksgiving. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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